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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Right on , Guardian . The only thing that could stop us would be Remington or a clothe shop!!!" And so they moved.

"Seriously though, If you see something you like Melody , tell me , so We can get in the shop, Ok ?

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"Oh I will. Don't worry. I just haven't seen anything I like the look of ye... OH! There, that one! Can we stop there?" Melody was pointing eagerly at what could only be described as the most overpriced store in the city.

(ooc: Girl was royalty, she has expensive tastes! :P )

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(Ooc: Screw Money, I'm a guardian biatches !!!!I get free stuff since I risk my life everyday , everytime .)

"That's.... overpriced. Then Again, I'm not paying. Haven is ." Locke pulled out his card . "Guardian Card, never go out without yours." And they got In the shop . On foot . then again, with Locke .....

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*Pulls out Guardian card* This thing get's me everything. I might buy myself a cowboy hat while I'm inside.

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"Can I get a hat?" asked Skye, as Melody ran, but far for at full speed, round the store, gathering an every increasing pile of new cloths as she went.

"One advantage of having a sister with super-speed," mused Skye, "you don't need to wait for them when shopping."

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"Oh my , that's indeed a great invention. "

Red too was busy choosing clothes. She was being helped by Ziona ...

(ooc: Waitaminute, If melody is dead ... HOW CAN SHE BE BACK IN YOUR TRAILER ?)

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*Looking wide eyed* Did she just jump out the car and steal everything?

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"Heavens no ! I suppose we are goin to pay for those." As he put his card on the counter."And keep the change . Haven is paying."

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"Hold on Dad, I wanna try these on first to make sure they work on me."

"Ok, this part still takes a long time," muttered Skye, as he himself was rummaging through hats and sunglasses.

(ooc: hehe. I was wondering when someone would bring that up. So far I've four possible ideas for the how.)

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(ooc: Just tell me that in a Pm , We wouldn't want to spoil the surprise ti the others, right ?)

Red was still asking some advice to Ziona ?"And what about this one ?" She asked .

at the same time , Glen was simply getting some clothes .

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"No, that's a little too gaudy. You want something a bit more elegant. Maybe this one?"

Meanwhile, Skye was stuck on hats... "Hmm, cowboy, baseball, fez? I just can't decide."

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(ooc: Go for the fez. Fezes are cool

I think its time I woke up)

Dylan woke up suddenly in the infirmary room

"Why is my head aching?"

He looks around

"Where am I? And how did I get here?"

He gets up and wanders aimlessly out the door

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A device on the radio on Skye's wrist started to beep.

"Hey, Dylan must have woken up. Or he's just has a fatal heart attack." Skye opened a link to the internal haven speakers.

"Hello, Dylan. Can you hear me?"

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"Phew, you are alive. Yeah, it's me. We're all out shopping, then heading to the beach. I can send you a map if you want to join us. It'll be good to celebrate saving your Zone."

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"Man , and here I though Sabre would take care Of dylan while we

would not be there .... Well , if he is better, Tell him all the food he can eat is on me ! and everything else while we are at it."

Red was still with Ziona . "Indeed , it's quite nice . I'll take it with some other clothes ." She then lade sure nobldy was around ."Now tell me , just between us ; are you sure there is nothing between you and Zet , because that sound pretty evident by now " Red giggled . "beside , you really are cute together ."

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Um... okay and thanks. Could you send over a map of haven while your at it? I think I'm lost

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"Need a map ? if you are still in the medical bay, there should be one you can take near the entrance."

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No, I think I've already left. I'm in some hallway

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Rouge and Shadow waited impatiently. "We'll be waiting all day at this rate' said Shadow. "Oh relax. There's still plenty of time. Besides, it's good for the kids to get some nice things. Sounds like they've been through a lot."

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"then you are lost . See the colored line on the wall ? follow them. They lead to all the dirrefent area of Haven."

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Which one leads to the main area? I can find my way from there

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"The biggest one . The arrow is the direction to follow on the line ."

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Okay then

*Follows line to main area*

I'm here, where's the map to where I'm supposed to go?

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