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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Then Let's go!!!" And they were gone .

(ooc: Have fun then. As for me, I'm off to sleep , goodnight ^^)

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(OOC I'm busy all day tomorrow so from about 10:30 am onwards I won't be posting until the late evening. Sorry for the inconvenience).

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As the car started, Skye sighed and stuck his head out the window.

"Melody, stop showing off. You don't always need to be the centre of attention."

"Yes I do," called back Melody, who was running alongside the car.

(ooc: No worries Shadow. Hope it's nothing too strenuous that you're up to.)

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Locke was swift , and without even looking said ."Melody. Car.NOW ." He then proceeded to open one the door .

"Yo kid , the last thing we need is another fast running moongoose . Want the startling us everywhere we go ?" Said Glen

"The boy is right. Show off all you want, but make sure you are not recognised' Now get in the car."Said locke.

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Melody grudgingly got into the car.

"Not Fair. That was the first chance to properly stretch my legs."

"You mean the version of Mother in this Zone is well known?" asked Skye.

"Oh Great. So how am I meant to not be recognised? Dye my hair?" Melody complained sarcastically.

"Well.." Skye began, charging up a little magic.


(ooc: I thought you were asleep!)

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(ooc: Think of this. The car is running at full speed, And Melody casually walk in it . Also, yes I was, But I woke up for no reason...)

To answer Skye's question , Locke simply turned on the radio. At the sale time , The Forget-me-knot (seriously Archie ? Seriously ?) , were singing . "That ought to answer your question , skye ." Said Locke , Smiling .

"An no of course . Maybe a Dye eventually , anything , As long as you Can't be related to Mina moongoose here .And you'll stretch them in town, don't worry."

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The two children swapped shocked looks between the radio and each other.

"Mother's a SINGER?" they both exclaimed.

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"Yes she is . And apperently , A pretty good one at that. She has this thing with her voice that get peoples to get around her . And with the right players, It was a success . Glad to see some kids that can do something out of themselve in such troubles times..."

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"Can you even image Mother as a singer Skye?" Melody incredulously asked her brother.

"Not even slightly... Although..."


"It would explain your name."

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"Because you never though of asking why your parent named you like this? I mean, It was evident with skye, But i suppose you never got to see your own mother to sing ..." Locke was thinking now.

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"I just... never thought to ask. I thought they just liked the sound of it. And Mother was more interested in training me than anything else."

"Father chose my name thinking that his Prime counterpart wouldn't give his son a girl's name. That really worked out well."

(ooc: and off to bed for me now. Catch you later.)

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"I see. And skye , that was a bonehead move from your old dad .Now cheer up will ya ? We are in town . See any place we should stop in ?"

(ooc: Goodnight then :) )

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Locke stop , Shocked ."Knuckles ? Where were you for so long ? GET IN THE CAR NOW !"

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Shadow ignored Locke. "Yeah, can I get your biggest coke, and a regular lemonade." Rouge gave Shadow a look. "Make that a large lemonade."

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After the initial Shock, Locke tried again ."As for me , I'll take a double cheese with spam. With a nice lemonade . Brotherhood sale . And you kids ?"

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"Bacon sandwich please, please, please." Enthused Melody.

"You've had two already this morning."

"And I want another!"

Skye sighed.

"Okay then... ermmmm, on with all the different meats you have with plenty of BBQ sauce and some cheese. And, just an orange juice to drink. And, erm, why... why are you running a sandwich bar of all things?"

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"Just you wait, And next time we'll see him, He'll be a famous rapper or something ."

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*Jumps in car* Well after some crazy inter-dimensional shifts. I found myself here and decided to start a business. Every now and again I still shift dimensions but I'll try to keep my chaos powers intact to ge me back as soon as possible. How's things been going pops?

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"Meh."As he started to drive ."Your mother is still shouting about thing I did ten years ago, Your new mother is a psychotic wreckage that can break anytime , There are zone cops in Haven , I beat the crap out of myself in another dimension ..... You missed a quite normal week in my opinion."

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Mmmmm sounds rough. Well hopefully I'm here to stay this time. I could use another adventure.

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"I hope you'll enjoy this one then. It's about us going on vacation 24 hours after I got seriously wounded.... seriously , what are they thinking in this show ? Next thing we know we are going to buy to the ladies some swimsuit .... Oh wait , by the way, say hi to the two zone cops, Zet and Ziona . Don't tell them but apperently they are unifficialy together."

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"Oh I don't need one. It's in my bag." Shadow's ears peaked at Rouge's comment.

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I see....nice to meet you two. In any case, let's get this show on the road. *Leans back and folds arms behind head*

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"Hi, pleased to meet you," responded Ziona pleasantly.

"But we're really not together," objective Zet. Ziona just smiled.

"Thank's for the sandwiches," piped up Skye.

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