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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(Ooc: Time might probably slow down around her as her brain works at least 100 percent faster than usual...A bas thing by any other name)

"Good good , too bad I have already ate today . "

(Ooc: The saboteur ? You are now my new best friend .)

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(ooc: I now have an image of the Futurama episode with Fry and the 100 cups of coffee. Only Melody would be laughing manically rather than serine)

"You've already eaten... but wasn't that breakfast? That's was ages ago."

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"Melody , As a guardian , I often eat at odds hourd, and in rather strange places . So it might be normal that I might have been eating when you two weren't ."

(ooc: that is a possibilty .... All hail heavily sugar coated food)

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"Well, yeah, except you were beating up were-hogs most of the time and... wait, isn't it breakfast time again now?"

"Erm, I dunno. I lost track of the hours." Melody sighed at her brother's remark.

"Yes, you would."

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" I ate something in dylan fridge when you two were too busy . I mostly eat at work , sonobody actually pay attention."

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"Sorry Dad, guess we were too busy trying to save the world," replied Melody sarcastically.

(ooc: Just realised that Melody has been awake for a long time. And we already know that girl likes her sleep, so she's gonna get tetchy.)

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"Sorry Melody , but maybe O must have been doig this like .... ALL MY LIFE ? I suppose you must be done eating by now . How about we get you to your room so you can take a shower and ger some sleep ? and eventually your story ?"

(Ooc: Don't smack talk locke about saving the world, especialy when has beeen doing it for years.)

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"But I haven't had any of the cake yetttttt," whined Melody, at a pitch which made Skye cover his ears.

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"Aww, thank's Dad."

Skye, who'd finished eating, went to take the cake out of the oven, touching his ears gingerly as he did so.

"Phew, no sign of blood this time," he muttered to himself.

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Locke heard something ... "did somebody said blood ? Skye ? what is this supposed to mean ?"

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"Huh? Sorry my ears are ringing, and it's difficult to hear. They're kinda sensitive. Heck, one time Melody managed to hit a pitch that made them bleed. Thankfully not this time."

Skye pulled the oven mits back on and opened the cooker.

"Now, who want's cake? Erm, stick you hand up as I might not hear you."

(ooc: Look back, wayyy before even the first g-wave (I think) Skye mentioned having sensitive ears!)

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(Ooc: actually , it was when I first got in . back when it was still a lost to post win .... ;') memories ....)

"Sensitive ears? that mustn't be great everyday indeed .Now let's eat your cake . Sabre will take care of the dishes after us ." as he took a slice .

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"I think that was a compliment you said. Thank's Shadow," Skye smiled, then muttered 'Stupid ringing ears' to himself as he cut his own slice. Melody rushed over, using her own knife to cut a slice, which was somewhat larger than everyone else's.

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" if you want skye we can get you something for your ears "

"and Melody, stop using your knife on the table ."

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"I'll be fine. It's already clearing up. I just need to wait a bit. This isn't the first time it's happened."

"Sorry Dad. I though as there was already knives on the table another wouldn't make a difference."

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"Fine skye. And no melody. Not when the knife in question is bigger than every other . Now finish your cake.

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"Ok, got it. Only use a knife that smaller than the ones on the table." Melody smiled and happily tucked into her cake, while Skye sat down, slowly savouring his own slice.

(ooc: and Melody might still be awake but I'm off to sleep night. Night everyone.)

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"good girl . now enjoy it."

(ooc: goodnight then)

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"Finished. Can I have another slice Skye?"

"Sorry Melody, not everyone's had a slice yet, and I want to save some for tomorrow."

"Aww, come on."




(ooc: repeat the last two lines ad infinitum)

For a second Melody's hand went towards her knife, in order to move from pleading with her brother to threatening him, then she caught herself and grabbed the table tightly instead, resuming her pleading.

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Locke was oberseeing this little arguing of them , making sure none of them would try anything funny "And beside Melody, How are you going to hear my story if you are already sleeping thank to a full belly ?"

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"Oh, okay Dad. I leave it for now. But Skye, I will kill you if it's all gone when I wake up tomorrow." Melody started to leave the kitchen, while Skye continued eating his own pudding, seemingly unphased by Melody's threat.

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As locke followed Melody , he asked " please tell me: it was just a joke , right ?You arr not going to do anything .... drastic , shall the cake disappear during the night ?"

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Shadow muttered to himself "If she's like this now, just wait til she's a teenager."

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