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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Oh boy. Well new rule : no magic prank in the house . Period . We don't want such a thing to happen again , right ?"

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"Aww Dad, that's not fair."

"It won't happen again. It was only because we got into a little prank war. We know better now."

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"Well until I say so, and since haven is not on my only resposability , I'm not allowed to let such a thing happen . If you to keep these, you'll have to prank outside haven."

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"No pranking in the house? But..."

"Don't worry Melody. We've got the whole island to play with." Melody broke into a grin.

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"I feel like I have unleashed something very bad on mobius . Oh well, if thing get bad, The zone cops can always take you aways, at least a month or two."

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"Oh don't worry Dad, we won't do anything thaaaaat bad."

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Doubt was easily readable on Locke's face "I'm afraid to say this but well... No, I just don't believe you. I'll have to be sure first that you can be trust with such a thing . Pranking shouldnnt be made with magic beside. Since it's cheating!"

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"Magic is cheating? Huh, how is that? Is it cheating when I use it for cooking too?"

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"Cooking is about making food. Prank is about a joke, and earning it. If a joke is made without an effort , there is no interes in doing it . It is one of the few things in the world that has to be done manually. It's an art skye."

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"But magic still requires effort. You still need to set it up, make sure it will work properly. The right location. What's the difference between putting a bucket of water on top of door, or a magic charm the summons water when the door is opened. Heck, the charm would take more effort to set up."

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"It is still unfair compared to the one that put the bulet in the first place. It is more a question of risk . besode , I'm the adult, and I do have mpre experience than you have."

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"I really don't understand. But I suppose we'll have plenty of time to debate. But, ok Dad. We'll do it your way."

"What? Skye, you give in to easily."

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"I have been douing prank for years Melody, so don't worry too much about it. I'm a professionnal "

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"Really?" Melody's face acquired a wicked grin, "Care to do a bit of teaching?"

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"Well not today unfortunaly , especialy with me and my body covered in bandage , remember ?"

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"Ok, when your better. But how about that story then?"

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"Brilliant. First thing after dinner then."

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"Cool. Hey, Shadow! How're those steaks coming on?"

(ooc: From saving a planet of were-hogs to arguing round a kitchen table!)

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(Ooc: I have this sinking feeling that this is as close as we can get of a normal life in here . Especialy with two formerly evil kids, a psychotic ex assassin, and a socially awkward guardian of the master emerald . And let's not talk about spectre or the extended family ...)

"Why don't wait a bit Melody? Patience is important in everything."

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"Uh, ok. I'll try." Melody sat down while Skye quietly started a small timer. For a few moments Melody was still, then she bagan to fidget. Then couldn't sit comfortably. Then leapt off the chair and began pacing the room.

Skye stopped the timer.

"17 point four seconds. I think that's a new record."

(ooc; i can't wait to see what happens when they try for a family holiday!)

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"That's... both ressuring and depressing at the same time .... Well at least we know that we mustn't give her energy drink at all."

(Ooc: ok, looks like we got our next arc!!!!)

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"Steak's ready Skye. Hope you two like it." (OOC Sorry for late reply. Been playing The Saboteur).

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Melody stopped pacing and both kids sat down at the table.

"Thank's Shadow," said Skye as his sister began wolfing down the steak. Skye gave his sister a kick under the table as he began to eat his own.

"Ow! What was that... Oh! Thank you Shadow."

(ooc: Melody on a sugar/caffeine high? Oh sweet merciful lord... And what on earth is her crash gonna be like?

and no worries bout the late reply Shadow)

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