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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Thanks Skye." Shadow picked up a cookie and ate it. "Hey these are really good. You guys want any steak?"

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"Fresh Cookies. Such deliciousness. You got Me here skye." As locke came back with the newly less encumbered Glen.

"Food, food that doesn't look like military rations. If i could, I'd hug you right now kid!" Said glen with glee .

Then he heard The word "steak" ..."OH BOY!!! A real steak! Get me two of those!!!"

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"Easy there Glen you'll get yours soon enough." Shadow then put on 2 more steaks.

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"Okay, cookies as a starter. Shadow cooks the steaks for the main course, and I'll make dessert?" Skye offered. "Any requests?"

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""As long as it's sweet, it'll do.. at least for me."

"I have no particular request."

"A Cookie is fine too" From glen.

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"Cookies are snacks, not desserts. Let's see, do we have what I need for a devil's food cake in here?" Skye began to rummage in the cupboards, pulling out bowls and ingredients.

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"Devil's food Cake? Now that is quite the name...."

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"It's the chocolate alternative of the Angel Food cake," Skye explained as he began. "Both are very light sponges. One plain, one chocolate. If you want I could make both so you can compare?"

Melody cupped her face in her hands.

"Oh no, you got him talking about food. He'll prattle on for hours. I prefer it when he goes all silent and blinkered with his tech."

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"Chocolate, Chocolate, do the chocolate one. That would be nice."

Red "Why the moody face? Even boys can have their own Hobby if they want to. try to find yours."

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"I've nothing against him having a hobby. It's that once he get's started he won't shut up!"

Sure enough, Skye was still talking away about cakes of differing types, even if no one was listening.

"As for my hobby, ermmmmmm.... I like darts."

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Shadow took his and Crowley's steaks off of the grill. "Here you go. Don't worry, I'm still doing the rest of yours. So you like cooking Skye, I do a fair amount myself."

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"So I guessed with the steaks and the waffles this morning. Wow, that seems like weeks ago, doesn't it? But I imagine you don't get much time to practice with your work."

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"You're right. But whenever Rouge and I are off I usually cook something or we go out. When we're on the job it's take away or the cafeteria if we're at HQ or whatever place we can find if we're in the field. Walking into a village pub and having the whole room go silent is not a pleasant experience. Though they sometimes give good advice. "Keep off the moors and stay on the road." That was an eventful trip. But I digress..."

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"I've learned a few good things to cook while on the road. Being able to cook kept me going a bit when... anyway, if you want I could teach you them, save you and Rouge having to cause a whole room to go silent. But I'm surprised you'd have that effect... Ok, maybe not you, but Rouge anyway."

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"Haha. I'd appreciate that. In some remote places they just aren't too fond of strangers. Can't exactly blame them."

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"I think they were in awe in front of such a woman." Cue Red Looking "What? It's basically you, but younger, and with someone else. So, it's like I'm Praising you!"

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"Rouge is probably their definition of "city folk". She doesn't know anything about hoeing, crops or livestock. They wouldn't touch her with a barge pole. And if they tried to, they'd meet her angry suitor." Shadow chuckled to himself. "Ok, steak's ready guys."

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'What an adorable couple you two make."

Glen was finnally done with waiting. He took his two steak, and started to eat. "Oh my, i'm almost crying! It's so good!!!"

"Oh man, when was the last time you ate normal food?" Asked Locke.

"Too long! I hate those ration!!!"

(ooc: But what happenned to the legionised Tails?)

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"Okay Shadow, once we've finished cooking for everyone I can show you a few mobile recipes and cooking techniques."

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"Look at you, Growing up so fast. You could almost become a cook Skye !"

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"I am a cook. Cooking, potion making, enchanting. It's all about following a recipe while making slight alterations for your own taste."

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"at the very least, It doesn't kill anyone, And that is the part about your cooking ."

"Anyways , Are the two cops done ? we might be able to get them a Room"

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"What do you mean? We've been standing here the whole time. Waiting for own steaks."

"Enchanting doesn't kill anyone either. Well, except for that one time when Melody and me.... and that really wasn't a death so to speak."

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"I'm afrad you jst got my curiosity .... as for the two cop , then take a snack. I hate seeing people hungry in my house ."

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"Oh we've already got cookies to snack on. Just waiting on the main course."

"Uh, well, you see... There's a reason why Melody and I don't prank each other..."

"You see, both Skye and I used to our magic to prank each other a lot..."

"Over time our pranks just escalated and escalated..."

"And, well, the lingering magic started to interact with each other..."

"The effects began to get out of control..."

"Poor Simian. He was such a good butler."

"There's a wing of the castle we still can't go into."

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