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About Tara

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  • Birthday March 20

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  • Website URL http://www.pony-palace.com
  • Skype supersonic_master
  • Steam akitocrow
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  1. I doubt Sonic Runners is meant to be any serious contribution to the Sonic series as much as a fun little time waster like Sonic Dash.  If this game were brought to consoles, it would probably not be very well received, to say the least.  I'm interested to see where it goes at least, but I'm not super hyped.
  2. I remember stumbling upon images of ZoDuck a long time ago and being scared of him.  It's actually a pretty hilarious farce parody in its proper context.  I don't think there's really much to inspire creepypasta or fan fiction about him, though.  He's just a joke character, and one that's intended to be disturbing at that.  Characters like Tails Doll make their rise to fame because of their unintentional creepy factor, not to mention their flexibility in terms of characterization considering how there's next to no narrative construction for him.  ZoDuck was created with actual narrative purpose for a separate game, so there's really not much need to make up stories to scare people when the source material was kind of made to sort of do just that.   For those interested in seeing the full cutscene and boss fight, see the videos below. (Warning: might be NSFW so you might not want to watch in front of your parents or whatever)       SEXAY DAWL!!!!1 ;_;   EDIT - So apparently people named Richard aren't welcome here.  Glad someone finally had the fortitude to make a place where we can be safe from all the Richards of the world.
  3. Inspector Gadget (2015 series)

    Oh, I forgot to link in the OP.  There's a two minute preview of an episode here.   It looks really cute, but one thing that sort of bothers me is how overdone the orchestration is in the slapstick bits.  A little bit of musical emphasis on the slapstick bits is always welcome, but they really blow all subtlety out the window with this.  Hopefully that's just a problem with these two minutes and not a recurring theme in the series, but still.
  4. I just remembered that I didn't get any eggnog this Christmas and now I'm really upset.

    1. Shinomi-chan


      awww.. that's too bad Tara-chan :C

    2. Device


      I'm sorry... maybe they still have it around somewhere? Also, McDonald's should still have their Eggnog shake still... which I always enjoy! (Depending on where you live I suppose...)

    3. Tara


      I wouldn't trust any eggnog from McDonald's personally. At least over here, everything is always stale when I order it from McDonald's. XD

  5. I posted this elsewhere and figured I'd post it here as well.     Inspector Gadget, a memorable cartoon from your 80's and 90's nostalgia, will be returning to syndicated television after... well, quite a while.  For those who for some reason don't know about Inspector Gadget, he's basically a half-robot, half-human detective who is equipped with a vast array of often useless gadgets to help him thwart the plans of the evil Dr. Claw.  Unfortunately, he's a bit of a doofus and so his niece, Penny, and family dog, Brain, are often tasked with saving the day while no one is any the wiser.  It's a charming little show and one very near and dear to my heart.   As long as we forget about those two movies of... ahem... dubious quality.   From Wikipedia:    
  6. This place is always a-changin' - It kind of looks like Outlook.com now.

  7. The General Steam/Xbox Live/PSN/etc Topic

    3DS Friend Code:  3454 - 2167 - 8518 Nintendo Network ID: taracrow Steam: akitocrow I likely won't receive a notification that you have added me, so let me know if you do so I can add you back. XD
  8. Five nights at Freddy's

    5NAF is a game that I'm surprised at how much I love.  It's a really simplistic game with incredibly complex AI and really great atmosphere and setting.  It also has a feeling of tension that I almost never get from horror games.  I still need to beat the games, but I'm really enjoying them thus far.  Maybe one day I'll sit down and beat it and not get scared and close at the window every time an animatronic is at the door.
  9. Favorite One-Shot Character?

    I quite like Marine from Sonic Rush Adventure.  A lot of people found her annoying, but even though she got in he way more times than not, I found her enthusiasm and adventurous spirit endearing.  She was a fun character and one that I think would have made a great addition to the occasional cast of characters.   I also really like Professor Pickle from Sonic Unleashed, though.  He needs to be a main character.
  10. Sonic Rush Adventure - It's wrought with so-called "hold right to win" but it offers enough feedback that it's fun.  The story's also pretty nice and very serviceable to its predecessor.  The music is really fun and dance-able, the graphics are nice and colorful.  Not to mention, the vehicles are fun to use.  The thing that really holds this game back, however, is the necessity to collect Material to upgrade the vehicles.  This often has you repeating the same stages over and over with absolutely no variation.  As such, it's probably the easiest game to get really sick of.  But when playing on your own accord, it's still quite fun!   Sonic 3 & Knuckles - I feel this game is the successful middle ground between Sonic and Sonic 2.  Sonic 1 had great level design, in my opinion, but being the first in the series it naturally suffered from slower movement.  That's not to criticize Sonic 1.  It was perfectly acceptable for its time, and I'd say from a general standpoint, it would still be a great game if it were designed today.  However, as a Sonic game, we've come to expect a certain level of speed that Sonic 1 doesn't exactly offer.  Sonic 2, on the other hand, is almost fast to a detriment, but I feel its level design (while fine) falls short.  Sonic 3 & Knuckles, on the other hand, nails it in both regards.  A great sense of speed, but with great level design that emphasizes speed as well as careful platforming.  Plus, the music is downright amazing!   Sonic Lost World - Okay, I know this game is derisive and I do recognize its flaws, but I'm sorry.  This game is wonderful.  I never felt like the controls were betraying me, and the story is simplistically passable. (I don't really feel any Sonic game has ever had a truly spectacular plot, so I really don't have super high expectations)  The music has some low points, but I feel it was overall super well composed.  The art style is gorgeous and cute, and aside from being forced to collect animals, it was pretty fun all the way around.  Great game.  I'm kind of sad to see that the overall reception of the title means we might not get a sequel which expands upon and properly improves upon it.
  11. Your Top 3 Sonic Games Bosses

    Without any thought to order-   Egg Viper - SA1's final boss was great on so many levels.  It made several interesting throwbacks to classic bosses in terms of attacks as well as added its own unique moves to the mix.  I also feel it did well in what other games failed to do from a design standpoint.  Maybe not so much failed to do, but I feel that the Egg Viper did it better.  For example, it captures the sense of claustrophobia and having very little space to move like in Sonic 1's final boss fight, but not doing so in such a way that it felt brash and impractical.  It also used the mechanic similar to Spring Yard Zone's boss, where it would gradually remove tiles from the play field.  However, it didn't feel like there was ever a moment where you there was nothing you could do to about it.  In Spring Yard, sometimes Robotnik would be in a position where you couldn't get under him or jump over him, so it felt like you were stuck in a certain spot.  The Egg Viper has a consistent pattern and always attacks from beneath.  As such, there is nothing stopping you from getting out of the way so long as you are quick enough to do so.   Sonic 3's Final Boss - Yeah, I don't remember what this one was called.  I like it because it's so overcompensatingly precise.  It's one of those bosses that puts both your speed and accuracy to the test.  I think that's great, because instead of rewarding you simply for how fast you are, it rewards you for what you use that speed to accomplish.  The only problem is that it's an extremely frustrating boss for pretty much the same reasons.   Egg Dragoon - Right off the bat, the only thing that really frustrates me about this boss is that it's on a rail and that makes it really annoying when you miss what you were aiming for and there's no way to get back.  But overall, I love the design of the boss, and I love his methods of attacks.  Further, I love the necessity to use all different kinds of acrobatics in order to combat it, rather than just waiting for the right time to homing attack or just following a bunch of quick time events.  That being said, there's no shortage of those, but they're not the main or only focus of the boss.
  12. Hihi! I am now a person on this forum! <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tara


      Thanks for the warm welcome, guys X3 <3

    3. Shinomi-chan
    4. Lena Stan Account
  13. Introduction Thread

    Hi!  I am now a person that exists on this forum!   I've been visiting the SCANF main site for years now and had no idea this place had a forum.  So I decided I could probably go for something different and decided to test the waters here!  Hope to have lots of fun and stuff here!  I'm a bit shy when it comes to posting on new communities so please be patient with me and don't be afraid to bop me on the head. ^.^;
