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♥ Nero

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About ♥ Nero

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  • Birthday 09/30/95

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  • Gender Male

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6476 profile views
  1. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    Another art from my friend. Darl Rockman.exe as a Pirate Captain and his Minion.
  2. General Screenshot/Video Thread

    Screenshot from my future little project.
  3. Five nights at Freddy's

    Who complete all 6 night's + 7 nightmare night can axees to 8 night. Just write i nextras 20202020 and we can play in the 8 hardest night.
  4. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    This art from my friend too.  Idea - me.
  5. Five nights at Freddy's

    Foxy is here:
  6. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    First one of comic looking good. I don't like the Deadly Six, but his armor looking good. So, now I wait to next chapter.
  7. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    Yeah, thanks.) I say that to Author. :3
  8. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    And 4 more arts from same Author. Made for me.
  9. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    Sigma looking so cool in this new crossover. So big and powerful. But anyway, I wait this crossover and wanna see, what's happened.
  10. Games that you recently finished

    Complete GTA San Andreas. 20 times. I'm just bored and I really like this game.
  11. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    Actually it's not mine, but Author not registered here, and she draw this art for me.
