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Status Replies posted by Guest

  1. I miss all the old secondary Sonic Archie characters.

  2. So.. I hope you guys don't mind if I post many of my older drawings without any color.. (well other than grey and black)

  3. What is it with people who just don't seem to like ghosties? :3 Ghosts are cool!

  4. Take a chance and pm the skunk. He may reply.

  5. Take a chance and pm the skunk. He may reply.

  6. Take a chance and pm the skunk. He may reply.

  7. Take a chance and pm the skunk. He may reply.

  8. So a man comes to my house and says "Sorry sir I ran over your dog,I would like to replace it." And I said "OK but how good are you at keeping raccoons out of my yard."

  9. Sooo... Any favorite colors? (My top 5: Red, Black, Green, Yellow and White)

  10. Whoever is putting soap and water all over the bathroom floor...Stop It!

  11. When I thought my day couldn't get worse, my heart gets broken... My no longer boyfriend has decided to go back to his religion and won't be going to school any more...

  12. So today I have an all day physics coursework. Currently on my first break and the coursework is going better than I thought it was

  13. I won't be on here much for a bit.

  14. So *cough* random scenario: You are walking towards your home in a little town near the woods when suddenly Slenderman, Freddy Krueger and IT appear! What do you do?

  15. So *cough* random scenario: You are walking towards your home in a little town near the woods when suddenly Slenderman, Freddy Krueger and IT appear! What do you do?

  16. So *cough* random scenario: You are walking towards your home in a little town near the woods when suddenly Slenderman, Freddy Krueger and IT appear! What do you do?

  17. So *cough* random scenario: You are walking towards your home in a little town near the woods when suddenly Slenderman, Freddy Krueger and IT appear! What do you do?

  18. Any ideas what I could try to draw? :b

  19. Any ideas what I could try to draw? :b

  20. Any ideas what I could try to draw? :b

  21. Any ideas what I could try to draw? :b

  22. Okay guys. The most difficult question ever.... Pepsi or Cola?

  23. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<

  24. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<

  25. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<
