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Status Replies posted by Guest

  1. My little sister have a boyfriend now :D When they we're just friends I said my sister that they will be together soon and she just said that they are just friends xD I was right this time hehehee~

  2. Just got back from my birthday dinner, and wow am I full!

  3. The skunk is on a ps2 gaming marathon.

  4. Yay! I heard that we were going on a cruise with my family on 16.6. :D

  5. Yay! I heard that we were going on a cruise with my family on 16.6. :D

  6. I like the new background

  7. Finally in college now but doing online classes. I'll still be here to moderate and what-not. Just letting everyone know I'll be busier now so if you talk to me during the day, expect late replies~

  8. Yay! \(^.^)/ I got a few days job so I think I don't have time to come here in 30.4.-1.5. :D xP

  9. hi guys i'm back didja miss me

  10. Could you suggest some good songs I could listen to? :b

  11. I don't understand why Archie doesn't sell the Sonic comics here or in New Zealand anymore... What makes it worse, we'ere not getting the Free Comic Book Day issue! DX

  12. Could you suggest some good songs I could listen to? :b

  13. Blah I'm bored xP I'm playing GTA and listening good music and still bored :b

  14. I updated my profile xP Go check it if you want ^^

  15. I got cool new shoes which have a skull on the other side and tiger on other 8D :D

  16. I got cool new shoes which have a skull on the other side and tiger on other 8D :D

  17. Has anyone else been attacked by a door?

  18. I think the count game has gone into hyperdrive...

  19. I think the count game has gone into hyperdrive...

  20. I just love music and singing <3 and I noticed that I have been singing a lot today since my voice is a little bit rough xP xD

  21. I just love music and singing <3 and I noticed that I have been singing a lot today since my voice is a little bit rough xP xD
