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Posts posted by ZonicTH

  1. Ken tried to by setting conditions if Archie is to use them again 


    Lets see


    "A) There are only three untouchable characters: Julie-Su, Locke and Lara-Su. The only thing anyone at Archie Comics would have to run by me regarding any of my characters is if they wanted to kill off a certain character. Beyond that, anything in the present day timeline is fair game. Have fun.

    B ) With regards to the use of the characters Julie-Su and Locke in the present day timeline, nothing must contradict what was established in my MOBIUS: 25 YEARS LATER stories. Those stories, especially Locke's death, are canon as far as THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES and I'm concerned.

    C) Lara-Su is the only character in which any story featuring her which Archie Comics wishes to put into production MUST be reviewed and approved by me."



    =/ there are so many things wrong with those conditions its not even funny

  2. I don't know whats gonna happen to the characters when this project fails but if we're lucky Archie might be able to scoop up the rights back =/


    but sadly I know this is unlikely...


    I don't mean to be a downer or anything, but.. I just can't see the Penman willingly give "his" characters back no strings attached. But if it does happen it probably won't be for a long time =/


    Though personally I'm just hoping Archie decides to go after the characters Penders didn't make =O

  3. Yeah I know.. But just saying if he tests his limits even more.. who knows...

    The scary thing is he claims to have hold of Robo Robotnik and Scou-...Evil Sonic


    If Not Knuckles is any indication, We might as well brace ourselves in the event that Not Sonic the Evil Sonic emerges


    I mean if the guy is crazy enough to not only make his Knuckles expy a slightly changed Future Knuckles followed by literally a image rip from a Sonic comic, then I can easily see him attempting just that

  4. Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z: The game....is uh...meh to be honest it was a pain in the butt and then I learned I can play the main missions Online and still get the rewards, To be honest I only bought it to hold me over until Xenoverse comes out


    New Super Mario Bros 2: I got it downloaded onto my 3DS so....yeah I can play it anytime ....er not much to be said on it XD

    Super Smash Bros For 3DS and Wii U: My mains would have to be, Mii, Link, Pit, Toon Link and Greninja =3


    Little Big Planet: I'm not gonna lie, Although I got it atleast a few weeks ago I've been too busy playing Battle of Z to play it >>;

  5. Actually I can't help but feel like he recycled Geoffry's head =/



    Wow... o_o bold... I mean... Isn't that kind of risky to put Knuckles in his comic??


    Pretty much, yeah. Honestly its bad enough he's ripping the characters off but, this.... this just proves that he's being a hypocrite


    He can claim its ....uh "Praetorian" all he wants but there is no getting around that he ripped it straight out issue 131 of the Sonic comics =/ http://en.sonicscanf.org/comics/sonic-the-hedgehog/131/#13

  6. I'm gonna be honest here...I was horrified by Lien-Da's FIRST revamp but the moment I saw Lara-Su's second revamp I knew...Lien-Da's next design would be even worse but it turns out I was wrong as her new design is so monstrously horrifyingly that Lien-Da's previous design now looks drop dead gorgeous in comparison

    Anyway Its kinda obvious what he's trying to do...just because Lien-Da is suppose to be a villain doesn't mean he should make her look like a creature from a child's worst possible Knuckles nightmare

    In my nonexpert opinion he should either get other people to come up with the new designs for his characters or make a few more designs for the character and let people vote on the one that will be the final design

    Also I do gotta say its amazing how this guy can get that much negative feedback over a redesign and still refuse to change it I mean..just...wow e.e;

  7. You don't have to worry I wouldn't do anything to let the man know I exist or how I feel about what he has done

    and Yeah...the whole Mobius 25 Years later thing is just...Mind blowing =( its what pretty much made me lose hope in them ever returning

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  8. They can ? huh...I just assumed that they couldn't as well as the reboot was Archie's way of making the continuity Penderproof

    I'm pretty much in the dark on most of what can and can't be used sadly ^^;

  9. Yeah I know things are all done...its tragic I accepted this fact with his whole "conditions" for his characters to return

    Penders has to make this book. I don't care how it's drawn. I need a closure for all my favorite characters, so I can move on.

    Yeah I mean...it would truly be unforgivable if he just does nothing with them after everything that he has done =( Although I wont read/watch it, I will be glad atleast they're being used somewhere =/

    Also if it helps I'm pretty sure he will make something of the Lara-Su Chronicles after all the Legal drama and forced removal of his content he's pretty much run himself into a corner. That and all the money he spent trying to gain copyrights over his characters would be a massive waste

  10. I gotta its a darn shame things have come to this =/ The man pretty much forced Ian to hit the reset button and like Artie pretty much said Ian had to rewrite tons and tons of comic scripts =(

    and from what I've seen so far...it looks like Penders stuff might not be the only thing gone =( I mean...aside from Ian and SEGA's characters Penders might have very well taken characters like Mina Mongoose, Finitevus and Monkey Khan down with his just because Archie and/or SEGA don't wanna take the risk of another former writer pulling the same stunt that he did

    I think Penders had already gone too far with his scheme and is now just trying to anger the whole Sonic fanbase for no real reason. How much will it y

    take before not a single person in this fanbase likes him?

    Oh man I cant tell you how many times that thought has crossed my mind xD

    but in all seriousness the lawsuit over Mega Collection is just messed up...I'm pretty sure he knew that game existed at the time and is just looking for ways to make Archie and SEGA give him money

    In the end all he's doing is killing off any chance of Knuckles setting foot in that ...whatever it is that the Lara-Su Chronicles turns out to be ...although to be fair there was no chance to begin with

  11. Yeah =/ it would be incredibly upsetting for them to be ripped away from the comic for nothing

    I'm gonna do my best to avoid the Lara-Su Chronicles but I do hope the characters are atleast kept alive somewhere

  12. Ah okay =0

    Also a thought just crossed my mind, with all the legal trouble he went through to steal claim back most of our favorite characters, Supposedly if his Lara-Su Comic/TV show/Movie ends up a no go or does poorly, Hopefully the idea of giving back all the characters he had claimed will cross his mind.

    To be honest It's not likely but its also not unlikely =/

  13. Sorry =/ it's just Lien-Da's current revamp was ugly already....and seeing how hideous Lara-Su looks now....There will be a whole new level of ugly in the world

    Anyway I think the Penders Betrayal day has a better ring to it =/ either that or the day Lara-Su died

  14. I'll never see Lara-Su the same way again ;-;


    also now I'm absolutely afraid of the revamp of the revamp for Lien-Da..

    All revamps aside

    Penders sure is aiming quite high... I mean a possible movie or TV show, Digital downloads, I'm sorry I just can't see that happening

    and even if it all does somehow happen, It won't be the Lara-Su we all knew and loved, Same goes for Julie-Su and the others =(

  15. Same here. I thought STH #250 was awesome, even though some find it disappointing to see Sonic's tenth milestone issue featuring mostly Mega Man characters. And yeah, I was also confused as to why they only included the 'Genesis' ending instead of the remastered STH #1. Have Archie explained why they did that?

    I don't think they have yet sadly =( but I'm hoping its for a good reason, Anyway I'm sure the next Sonic Milestone will have less Mega man characters =P Assuming Wily and Eggman learn they're lesson

  16. I do gotta say (other than issue 1 being replaced by issue 229) I really enjoyed the issue especially that page spread of Sonic facing all those robots masters mainly when he hit Quickman as well as the autograph yearbook

  17. Seriously hoping that it won't come to that...I mean it can't be that hard to create new adventures for Sonic to go on while avoiding Penders content I mean..yeah it'll be hard but it won't be as hard as Penders trying to sell his stories

    I'm assuming (and hoping) Lara Su chronicles or whatever is not going to be cannon

    I think I read somewhere that Penders said that all the stuff in the comic would be cannon except there is only ONE Enerjak and Locke is still ALIVE

    Those are some really big change, not to mention I can't imagine Archie wanting anything to do with Penders "Lara-Su Chronicles" after just dealing with his copyright lawsuit,so I don't think you have to worry about that.

  18. I'm worried that Archie will pussy out and not use them anyway. I hope to Lord Fiest himself that that isnt the case

    Yeah it would be very upsetting if we lost all those characters =(

    Also assuming Penders is using the downgrade designs he gave to Julie-Su and the others wouldn't that mean he has nothing on Shade aside from a somewhat similar but pretty much different backstory

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