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Status Updates posted by Inuki

  1. It's almost midnight here, and I'm still reading urban legends and stuff. Here's to a peaceful slumber gone to waste.

  2. Just one more week and my internship's over! And then I'm home free, baby! -barks excitedly- By the way, how are y'all doing, happy people? :3

    1. Inuki


      @everyone: Ah yes, I do enjoy the experiments, I'm so focused on them I always lost track of time,there was this one time, I almost missed lunch if my stomach didn't protest for food. And overtiming is also another story. It's tiring but a nice experience. :3

      Sorry to hear that, Eliza. I can definitely relate, from where I'm from, we have to burn off our eyebrows every single day because the lessons are very hard. TwT And it's really nice you can relax once in a...

    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Well, as long as you enjoy it, I guess it's worth it! :3 and eat! XD

      And thanks Skye and Inuki, but I don't think I'd say there is time for rest for me considering my huge syllabus! Well, one day I'll relax *waits for that day*

      And hope you get free time too, Dylan!

    3. Inuki


      Yes it is. Oh yes, I try to glue that in my mind now. XD now thst my unusually fast metabolism is back. :3

      Yes, that day will definitely come. :3 we just need a lil patience.

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  3. Wow, I feel like I'm a real chemist now. Doing real work, research and stuff, instead of the plain experiments the school gives us.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Inuki


      Couldn't agree more. *slowly dazing off due to the truck load of food I have eaten today*

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Do you need a pillow?

    4. Inuki


      Sure, that would be nice. :3 and thanks!

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  4. I'm thinking of changing my display name from 'starbound18' to 'Inuki', what do you guys, think?

  5. How are you, happy people? :D Totally missed everyone here. *cries tears of joy*

    1. sweet_lil_Eliza


      I'm good, and you're back yay!

    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Hello! Good to see you again!

    3. Inuki


      Thank you for the very warm welcome. ^^, Can't stay long for now as I used to. My boss (the company head) just decided to get randomly demanding right now, so yeah, onward with the never-ending research and then testing them out. Oh yeah, I just finished writing a description for some herbal drink the company was developing. XD

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  6. Could someone talk to me about weird things so that I may satiate my insanity? Oh and I have free cookies. XD

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Blavapleshfolatis. It's a new thing :P

    3. Inuki


      Tell me of this wondrous new thing. -rubs chin-

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      There's not much to tell. Besides it being incredibly awesome


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  7. I'm thinking about coconuts and watermelons right now. I'm weird. -shifts awkwardly-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Inuki


      Really? Locke! Talk to meh about weird things! D:

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      But weird is cool. Might want to make you plea to talk more visible

    4. Inuki


      So... I should post a status regarding that. XD

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  8. Good day, happy people! :3 Just passin' through before I go to work and do some more research. :3

    1. Inuki


      Thank you, Skye. Hope you have a good day, too. :)

      Cinescense, what are you talking about? Of course, I read your reply, silly! :D Hope you have a nice day too. ^^

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Good day to you. Hope you can stick around a while. It's nice to see you here

    3. Inuki


      Thanks. I'll do my best to do so. ^^, And thanks for that! I feel so welcomed here. ^^

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  9. I'm saddened by the fact that I may no longer be online as much as I used to because my internship is going to start on the 21st. Just as I was beginning to love it here. -cries-

    1. Inuki


      Thank you for that. I really appreciate it. ^^

    2. Chosen One

      Chosen One

      Good luck on that internship, hope you get the experience you want. Just try to come once in a while, I still haven't met you in the role play mania, and I have to take you home. XD.

    3. Inuki


      Thank you. I'm having a fun time here. :) I'll come when I have time. And yes, thank you for that in advance. XD

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. Should I share my OC artworks here? I'm kind of nervous. Help, please?

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      There's already OC's up there, so it's fine.

    2. Inuki


      If you say so. :) I'll post them up later then. Though I'm still kind of nervous. >.>

    3. Inuki


      Also, should I post a new topic in the fan work section ? or should I post it in the general art thread area? :3

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  11. I just collected all the chaos emeralds on Sonic 4 Ep. 2 (android ver)! This is the happiest of my life. ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shadow


      (It's a shame Metal Sonic can't go super or do something with the power he obtained. Oh well, we can't have everything now can we :3)

    3. Inuki


      Yes it'd be awesome seeing him pwn everything and then betraying Eggman and start trying to conquer the world (again).

    4. NegaMetallix


      Well, at least the Chaos Emeralds actually give you something in-game, unlike the Red Rings...

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  12. Thank you so much for the warm welcome very friendly people. I feel so comfortable now. ^^,

    1. Lino Blythe

      Lino Blythe

      Good to hear ^^

    2. Inuki


      Yup. Thanks! :D

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      That's good. Hope you keep enjoying yourself

  13. I'm really feeling shy right now.

    1. Inuki


      Thank you. I feel so much better now. ^^,

    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      Don't be, we don't bite, promise :3

      You can have fun in the party games, talk about games and other stuff in the other forums. Trust me, there is nothing to be shy about (until it's someone ANYONE will be shy about, not like we talk those stuff here) here, it's a great place! Have fun!

    3. Inuki


      Thank you. ^^, I'm feeling a little comfortable now. :D

      I'll try them soon enough. :)

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