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Lino Blythe

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8 Neutral

About Lino Blythe

  • Rank
    The Knight of Light
  • Birthday 11/20/91

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location Placid Meadows
  • Interests Well if you read my "About Me" I shouldn't put anything here but... I'll list my interests~
    Free Running, Sonic, Swords, Anime, Light (The element), Deep thinking, Games

Contact Methods

  • Skype Ask~
  • Steam Ask~
  • DeviantArt http://linosblythe.deviantart.com/
  • YouTube I don't post vids... Why would you want this?

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  1. Still sorry about being unresponsive. Letting you all know I'm here and alive. College is... really frying my brain... x.x

    1. Lino Blythe

      Lino Blythe

      Still here*. I never left or anything. Just avoiding some confusion lol

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Yikes! Hang in there!

    3. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Good luck with College Lino!
