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Status Updates posted by Shinomi-chan

  1. That feeling when you're forced to take a selfie for a project in class.. but you're far too introverted and self-conscious so you ask your friend to take it instead :D and it still turns out horrible (I mean great picture taking but the pic itself.. )




    1. Shinomi-chan


      and my other friend told me not to erase it.

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      I'll destroy it!

    3. Margred


      You looked nice in that picture :D and you can be happy that I'm helping to take pictures lol xD :D

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  2. That feeling when you want to watch some anime and you think the new episode is out already but when you go check it's not... and then you feel empty... o_o But then you realize you were watching some other (horror *cough*) anime and you feel happy again.

    1. Noodles The Echidna

      Noodles The Echidna

      yeah, I know that feeling well.

    2. Shinomi-chan


      THANK YOU! Someone understands me ;__;

  3. Does this page look different to anyone else? Or is it just me? o_o and if it does look different.. WHEN did this happen?

    1. Margred


      It is confusing indeed o-o xP

    2. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      I am used to this kind of thing but there is theme options at the bottom of the page .

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  4. So I went to the dentist today... and well nothing major happened. Though one of the machines made terrible sound and my ears were dying and when she asked if the pain was too much (for my teeth) I really wanted to make a joke about it like: "Nope my teeth can handle it but my ears are dying!" Decided not to say it though.

  5. Okay so if anyone's going to watch Anohana movie.. Just a reminder.. You'll cry. A lot. Maybe from happiness maybe from sadness.. Now I've completed the series.. It was great. Just great. ^_^

  6. I don't know why but I just always feel I'm way behind at things (anime watching, cartoon watching, videogame playing, news, etc.) I don't know why but it makes me feel do sad for some reason... Does anyone else feel like this?

    1. Shinomi-chan


      I know I know but.. It just seems like everyone else knows about some certain shows and then there's me who's like: "what? what kind of show is that?" and then everyone looks at me as if I was an alien or just some common idiot. Same with certain game series.. and especially when it's about certain terms and things in real life.. I just don't seem to know simple things and say stupid things..

    2. Shadowxx25


      Sometimes I feel like that, but then I just go, "Ok, time to check that out!" it's really hard to watch or play everything so you just watch/play as much as you can and listen to suggestions made by other people

    3. Shinomi-chan


      ;_____; I know but...but... I just want to know things I don't like being ignorant. (probably one reason why my anime list is so long right now.. just trying to finish watching Assassination Classroom)

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  7. Oh my god my brother actually gave me permission to download a horror game called: The Midnight Puppeteer!!! It's a MIRACLE!!

    1. Shinomi-chan


      I don't think so. It reminded me of Mad Father. You're a little girl with only your Teddybear to keep you company in a giant mansion. Your dad left to get some help with a car and...

    2. Noodles The Echidna

      Noodles The Echidna

      This game would give me nightmares.

    3. Shinomi-chan


      And the Teddybear is SASSY xD

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  8. I am baaaaaack everyone!!! But please... hold your applauds if you can *cricket sounds could be heard* ... Man I'm not good at comebacks. o_o

    1. Shinomi-chan


      Really? :3

    2. Noodles The Echidna

      Noodles The Echidna

      they don't live that far away, so I visit them often.

    3. Shinomi-chan


      Aaaw. Cute.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  9. Tomorrow back to home... to a better internet connection.. to my anime... and yeah I guess it was pretty cool to talk to all of you too... xD (love you guys!!)

    1. Shinomi-chan


      I know that you knew it so I played along :3

    2. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      Maybe you did know.

    3. Shinomi-chan


      Maybe I did.

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. If only Sun would go away... that would be great...

    1. Noodles The Echidna

      Noodles The Echidna

      sorry, I should have specified. I don't understand why us Americans haven't switched to metric yet.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Because difference!

      I don't know really... I guess some prefer imperial. I just can't get my head around imperial so much. Metric feels... cleaner tome

    3. Noodles The Echidna

      Noodles The Echidna

      I agree. everything is in tens, so it is much cleaner, and it just makes sense in my mind.

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  11. I'll be gone for four days starting tomorrow. I'll be back home on Friday though. So I might not have the time to continue in any rp... Sorry about that. I do hope you'll all have great time here and I'll see you guys at least on Friday

    1. Shinomi-chan


      Sorry Otouto xD and thanks Seviper I will!

    2. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      Shini I hope you enjoy yourself with your grandparents.

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  12. I wish I could still see those clear dreams I saw years ago.. Nowadays everything is either too random, disturbing or sad.. Mostly sad or disturbing.

    1. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      At least your dreams are not disturbing like mine.

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      I used to have dreams that were blank...just plain nothingness.

    3. Shinomi-chan


      My dreams are indeed very disturbing.. (from THOSE kinds of people trying to do some weird things to bully dreams.. mostly bully dreams) I even remember waking up crying and I couldn't stop it for few minutes even though it was a dream where I was a certain anime character but she is really similar to me (drop the being a psychic thing and she's basically me) it was still really sad.

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  13. That moment when you're minding your own business and you happen to look to your right and notice a Fifty Shades of Grey movie then you look away and die mentally. Ew ew ew! >-<

    1. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Everywhere you look!

    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Onnee has bad luck XD

    3. Shinomi-chan


      Yes onee has bad luck ;_____;

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  14. So... Does anyone else sometimes think about spending a night in a haunted house or is it just me?

    1. Margred


      You're not the only one :D

    2. Shinomi-chan


      I mean besides you of course (it was pretty obvious)

    3. Margred


      Lol xD D:

  15. I wonder why it is.. That every time I dream of flying I either can't fly well or I try to fly with my wings but can't rise up and instead fall down..

  16. Okay I'm starting to think there's something seriously wrong with my brains... or then I'm highly stressed o_o

    1. Guest


      *Hugs Shinomi*

    2. goldtaills
    3. Shinomi-chan


      Oh it's nothing too bad guys.. I just seem to forget the most simple things and make a mess about everything.. ^_^''

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  17. Oh what a lovely day it is outside here in Finland... and there's no way I'm going outside cause I'm watching anime :D

  18. That feeling when you got 39 anime to watch and 3 cartoons.

    1. goldtaills


      I only have one anime and its way too much. XP

    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Even if you get those 39 animes together their surely not long enough as One Piece XD I'm pretty sure it's going to go on for another 1000 episodes XD

    3. Shinomi-chan


      Pretty much. But One Piece only has got 696 episodes and if you count in all the episodes only from the long series I have it makes about: 900+ episodes.

  19. So.. Who's paranoid?! Hands up everybody! *put hands in the air*

    1. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      Do not ask me that.

    2. Shinomi-chan


      Then why did you answer my question dear brother Geoffrey?

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  20. I must have some weird "trap" day. Just today I watched Assassination Classroom and Working!! and both of them had a thing with trap boys... o_o one of those days I guess.

  21. That awful feeling when you can't just stay happy even though you're trying to.

    1. Shinomi-chan


      Yeah.. It's just that my mood changes SO quickly nowadays and I don't like it.. Like the smallest thing might irritate me.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I know that feeling. It's not fun. Really hope you'll be okay soon

    3. Shinomi-chan


      Yeah.. thank you ^_^ I don't really know the reason for it to be honest.. I just sometimes have it for days and then it's gone.

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  22. That feeling when you just don't know how to deal with all the feels.

  23. ...So.. Does anyone else ever get this weird nostalgic feeling whenever they look at the sky? Cause I know I do every time I do it. (Which is pretty much 5-10 times a day or so)

  24. The feeling when you wake up and can clearly remember your dream only then wondering if the other dream you saw night before that would have been more awesome than this one and the thought keeps bothering you.

  25. Just had English test... I'm going to die.. Didn't answer to four questions...

    1. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      You probably did good.

    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Meh. I didn't answer 9 questions on Arabic test!

    3. Guest


      I'm sure you both did just fine on the test.

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