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Geoffrey St John

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Everything posted by Geoffrey St John

  1. Last to post wins v3.0

    I dread to think of what other pokemon are in Tutus. 
  2. Last to post wins v3.0

    We have already seen Ash in a dress so what is the big deal?
  3. Christmas role-play?

    As soon as the message appeared on Myra's phone an explosion was heard from behind. The pyrobot has exploded and left nothing but a crater where the orphanage once stood.   G stopped and turned around. Seeing that nothing was left of the orphanage caused him to have to hold back tears. It was clear by the way he was standing that he was upset but so was the fact he was trying to hide it.   Ash helped the Doctor in any way he could while waiting for orders.
  4. Last to post wins v3.0

    Dancing Rhydons? That could be possible I suppose.
  5. Christmas role-play?

    G stopped and looked back at the others. "Forget the orphanage. Buildings can be rebuilt, people can't! Myra and the kid said to run so let's run!" Shouted G before he resumed running.
  6. Last to post wins v3.0

    Pokemon calls for a new roleplay to be made.
  7. Christmas role-play?

    G didn't hesitate once he heard Myra about. He grabbed the box tightly started running.   The beeping from the pyrobot started to speed up even faster.   Sasha took Harley's hand and went with him for treatment.   Ash nodded and went behind the wheelchair. "Lead the way Doc. I am right behind yah" said Ash.
  8. Christmas role-play?

    Ash walked towards the Doctor. "Doc we have two patients here. There is a serious case of burns inflicted to my avian friend Techno. I sat him on that wheel chair. I have already treated with some burn cream but the strength was weak. And then there is a case if smoke inhilation in Sasha. She is an orphan who is under my guardianship" said Ash.   "Myra can you try and reach Skye. He may be able to find out what that beeping is" said G.
  9. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Well he was kind of crazy. He called me a "real stinker" after I corrected him since he spelt professor wrong.
  10. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Ok this is very weird since I see Professor Bluebird in one of my dreams. But great work sis!
  11. Christmas role-play?

    Amy's attack sent the pyrobot flying into the burning orphanage and it started to send out a beeping sound.   G heard the beep and turned around. "What is that beeping?" Asked G.   Ash helped Techno into the hospital and once inside he say Techno onto a wheelchair.   "Miss Peggy I feel bad" said Sasha as she coughed.
  12. The Final Fantasy Discussion

    It takes a lot to cause me to want to comment in a thread like this. And for me to like Blueblur's post should also say a lot for the game in question. Noctis is a fantastic protagonist and with Ignis, Prompto and Gladiolus as your party you can never fail. Aranea, Iris and Cor are good guests too. And the antagonist is such a mystery I can not help but wonder of their story. I recommend 15 fully so go get a great game!
  13. Name a cartoon or anime character

    Monkey D Luffy from One piece.
  14. Give the Person Above you a New Name

    Medusa's worst nightmare.
  15. Christmas role-play?

    "Peggy you should take Sasha inside and tell them about Techno. I will start helping him inside" said Ash as he unbuckles Techno and offers the bird his hand to help him get up. Sasha reached for Peggy's hand after she gets out of the Jeep.
  16. Last to post wins v3.0

    I wish I would have known about their visit before I sent a giant Vector clone there.
  17. Christmas role-play?

    G grabbed the box he had out down eairlier and left the battle to the others now the bot was down.   Ash helped Techno into the keep and strapped them both in. "We are secure. Let's get moving" said Ash.   The pyrobot was pinned down  and it started to activate the back up system.
  18. The skunk is looking for someone who is willing to be a critic of his work. Anyone interested in the job?

    1. arekpowalan


      What kind of work? If it's writing, maybe I can help.

    2. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      I am working in two stories at the moment. A new world order and A Mobian fairytale. I would like some comments on my work so yeah it is writing.

    3. arekpowalan


      Sure. Message me the works. I will do what I can.

  19. Ban the above poster

    Banned because looks like a job for the old ball and chain. *attachs A rusted ball and chain to Shini *
  20. Last to post wins v3.0

    I guess I will produce
  21. Christmas role-play?

    The pyrobot was unable to dodge and Boulder had no trouble removing it causing both to call to the ground.   Sasha was scooped free and her vision was cleared. "Thank you for saving me but we need to help Mr bird" said Sasha as she pointed to Techno. Ash was using the last of his treatment when he saw Peggy. "Get over to the Car Peggy! We need to drive Sasha and Techno to Safety" yelled Ash as he offered Techno his back.   "Amy, Boulder and Myra. We need to hold off the bot long enough for Ash and Peggy to get away. It is grounded now so let's force it back" said G as he grabbed some rubble and started to throw it at the bot.
  22. Last to post wins v3.0

    The skunk will chain you up!
  23. Last to post wins v3.0

    Oh look I froze a Zangoose.
  24. Christmas role-play?

    "Myra keep focused. The kid is tougher than that!" Shouted G as he got ready to make his next plan.   Ash heard Techno speak. "Don't fall. You have a few burns and could have inhaled some smoke. I am treating you as best I can until we get you to the Doctor in town" said Ash as he continued his treatment.   Sasha heard the door crash and made her way towards the sound. She walked into the door but was still unable to see. However she should be viewable from outside.
  25. I have been thinking and I would like to do a Moebius rp. One where we play the villians and not the heroes. Anyone up for that?

    1. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Sure. I can go on the darkside for a little while. As long as I have a night light with me.

    2. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      So there is some interest in this idea. I will consider a possible story for it and create a pm to discuss it once I have one.

    3. Shinomi-chan


      Do it DOOOOOOOO IT :D huhehuehue

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