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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Here we go again... let randomness ensue!
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Apologies for my part in the hijacking of LP 1.0. Hehe, now i'm winning!
  3. Sonic Lost World

    Thanks for the warning! ;) Though,I already had an idea that it wasn't going to be that great. And seconded on your comment re the mach speed sections. As for the deadly six, it looks like they can be broken into some boring stereotypes... Red: the big, aggressive one Yellow: the big dumb one Pink: the lithe, possibly crazy one Green: the girl one Grey: the emo cliché which leaves one that isn't so obvious, but give he's waving a stick I'd guess the magic using one. Yeah, nothing to see here. Move along. (What are the odds you fight the red or yellow boss by dodging his attacks so he crashes into a wall?)
  4. Sonic Lost World

    As long as it doesn't hit the extremes at either end, I don't mind a light or dark story, though a balance is by far the best. Even at its lightest, Sonic still has dark elements to its storyline (basic story: scientist uses living creatures to power robots. Thats pretty dark on it's own.) which is why I like the franchise storylines normally. The exceptions being 06, and Shadow the Hedgehog is still sitting on the 'to be played' pile right now,so i'll get back to you on that one. This still carries onto Colours (which I am currently just playing through) which seems childish on the outside, but when you think about what Eggman's plan actually does... And even ignoring that, I find the antics in the cutscenes fun to watch. Though Colours did waste the potential for the best boss fight in the whole series. :P But I'd agree with Shadow about the Deadly six seem to be taking it in too 'light' a direction, but also with Shadow the Hedgehog (thats kinda confusing) that at the end of the day, its almost all about the gameplay.
  5. Sonic Lost World

    In order to keep all their fans happy Sonic games need to come with two plot settings. First a 'plot light' which has a minimal, light hearted plot, and 'story heavy' which has a dark and more substantive plot. Of course, neither mode should affect gameplay. As if that'd ever happen. And they need to make it more clear that the 3DS version of a given game is the 2D version, while the console version is the 3D, which keeps fans who like the different gameplay styles happy.
  6. Sonic Lost World

    There was music? .... Huh, given that was my initial reaction to the music, again, not a good sign. It wasn't bad just, it was just there. Still, only three stages shown, so there will hopefully be some good tunes in there.
  7. Sonic Lost World

    Heh, I was just about to post the link as well! :P While I don't mind the 2D levels, I really don't like the feel of the levels thus far. And in the third level shown seemed to imply you can't control Sonic's speed during it... Oh dear. Not sure if I'd write it off quite yet, but the more I see, the less I'm excited about it.
  8. Ken Penders Topic...

    Well, no points for guessing one of the characters I'll miss due to Pender's having control of X Years Later. :P Though that alone would hardly make me stop reading the comics. It depends on how they'd handle a mass-exodus of characters if it came to that. Do it very well and they may salvage something, but I don't envy them that task.
  9. Comics - When worlds collide

    They are seriously de-powering robotization in this cross-over. Mega Man fixing it with his weapon scan was bad enough, but at least the target needed to be stunned badly first. It looked like they were setting up a nice tag-team attack for Sonic and Mega Man. And now he can just shoot people better. Seriously? It makes you wonder what the big deal with robotization is as they can sort it so, so easily, and that's a disservices to the main comics, where the derobotization of a main character has been a major plot point for over a year!
  10. Sonic Lost World

    So the gimmick this time round is rotatable worlds. At least that's cleared up. Eh, I dunno. Something about that trailer seemed a little... off. Hopefully I'm just being paranoid, but I'll wait and see what people think before looking to buy myself.
  11. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Bang on the money! Ok, you're up.
  12. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Okay then: The first traitor in the Freedom Fighters.
  13. Ken Penders Topic...

    I'm pretty sure that the story designers at BioWare said they based Chronicles off the Comics. Even if the visual design is different, the overall background between the Nocturnus (Marauders) and the Dark Legion is very, very similar. Both groups of technologically advanced Echidnas banished to a pocket dimension, and rather P*ssed off about it. Heck, the game is even subtitled 'The Dark Brotherhood', just a slight difference away from Legion. Overall though, I'd say it was more a 'homage' than a 'rip-off'. What make it amusing though, is the fact that several elements from Chronicles have started appearing in the background of the comics. So, the comics are basing ideas from a game based on them!
  14. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Hmm, Tobor?
  15. Comics - When worlds collide

    Ahh. I get it now. In your first post when you said 'Weird' you said it 'has been released' rather than 'hasn't'. Hence my confusion. Just a silly typo. Sorry 'bout that.
  16. Comics - When worlds collide

    I was meaning there's normally a delay between the comic's release and it being put up on this site. It seems to be a day or so difference. Or are we actually saying the same thing and misunderstanding each other? :P
  17. Comics - When worlds collide

    Not really. It often takes a wee while for them to put the comic up. We just need to be patient.
  18. Mega Man after Worlds Collide?

    Cool. Thanks for clearing it up. Good luck hunting them down!
  19. Comics - When worlds collide

    Thanks for the minor spoilers. It isn't up on the site yet.
  20. Sonic Lost World

    Touch Screen: As little as possible I hope, at least during the main game where the objective is to run very fast with split-second timing and no gimmicky distractions. Maybe have it show lives and a distance to the end indication like generations on the 3ds. Outside the levels, they can more or less what they want! :P Ditto this!
  21. Sonic Lost World

    That would be pretty neat. Though, if they do go down that route, even if the core gameplay didn't change, I'd expect some secret paths/shortcuts/unlockables would only be available in the day/night stages to both give a reason for playing both and to pad out gameplay. I just hope they retain the generation ability to swap music around.
  22. Ken Penders Topic...

    True, but I would be an easy hand-wave get out clause. A very, very bad one to use, but an easy one. All they need to do is accompany the return to normal continuity with some big explosions/energy pulses or have the genesis wave overload and malfunction. As I said, it would be a really bad idea, but...
  23. Sonic Lost World

    I suspect the 3DS version will stay 2D. Even with the XL playing a Sonic 3d game on that size of screen... Fine for racing games, but when you add in the platforms, enemies, boost gauge blur... As for the ps4 and backwards compatibility, apparently its got a different OS inside it, which would make backwards compatibility difficult. No word confirmed either way yet as far as I know, and they really should push to include it. But I wouldn't get your hopes up.
  24. top 5/10 lists

    I think I’ll though my lists into the ring. Top 5 for villains and SU arcs, and top 10 for heroes. Top 5 Sonic (Archie) Villains 1. Mammoth Mogul 2. Doctor Ivo ‘Eggman’ Robotnik 3. Doctor Finitevus 4. Bean the Duck 5. Miles Top 10 Sonic (Archie) Heroes 1. Miles ‘Tails’ Prower (Big Gap) 2. Shadow the Hedgehog (Little Gap) 3/4 Skye/Melody Prower 5. Shard 6. Silver the Hedgehog 7. Nicole 8. Mina Mongoose 9. Sonic the Hedgehog 10. E-102 Gamma Top 5 Sonic Universe Arcs 1. 30 Years Later 2. Scrambled 3. Treasure Team Tango 4. Forged in Fire 5. The Tails Adventure
  25. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Good guess Blaze, but Geoffrey has the correct answer.
