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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Ken Penders Topic...

    Given all the hassle and re-writes that the use of 'risky' characters has caused thus far, it's hard to blame them for being cautious. I don't like it, but better that than another crazy reboot being forced on us.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Given the distance between the cells and the kitchen I'm a little surprised Spark is there.) "I'm not the same," protested Skye as he tried to wriggle free but couldn't. At the other end of the cell Miles had back up almost against the wall. "You... you can't take me out of the p-program," stammered Skye when Zamy finished. He would have turned to face her but the bars made that impossible. "But...I... He... How can you say he's suffered Tikal? HE hasn't... suffered... at... all...." Skye's worlds trailed off as he noticed something off with Miles, then the detached tail still lying on the cell floor. ------------ "No problem Mom. I've gotta cheer you up too!" said Melody. ------------ "Okay Daddy," replied Anna ------------ "C'mon Glen, we've got to help her," said Ziona.
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye shook his head. "No, NO! You're lying. You're trying to trick me. Trying to stop me doing what I have to." Miles sleepy came round and glanced towards the cell doors. Seeing Skye he sat bolt upright and began shuffling backwards along the floor. "I knew you cops couldn't be trusted," Miles exclaimed in panic. "You were planning to use him to kill me." Skye snarled and tried to leap through the cell door bars, only... "DAMMIT!" Skye had wedged himself stuck between two bars.
  4. New RP for New Players

    Hmmmmmmmmmm. I'd say provisionally yes... but that could be all subject to change of course. Though if you mean your three elementals, they may be OTT power wise.
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye paused. He didn't care what happened to himself, but after what he'd done to Melody he didn't want anyone else to suffer the consequences. "You wouldn't be blamed if you were incapacitated first, right?" asked Skye, still staring at Miles. Inside the cell, the fox was being to stir again. -------------- "I know Mom. You're doing a great job," said Melody. -------------- "I can think of several other negative words for it, but cheating didn't come to mind. But if you say so," replied Anna. -------------- "Glen, please. Everyone's just gotten angry here. You need to calm down."
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I think I'll get him outta her even faster than that," said Skye as he made his well to the cell door. "And I'll show him some 'interesting' effects."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I was just wondering why you were using a hologram. It seemed a little odd" said Skye pleasantly, then his smiled wavered slightly as he processed what Zamy said. "We've still got a prisoner here? Who?" he glanced towards the cells. "...............HIM?"
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    On the way to the infirmary Skye paused, confused as to why Zamy was using a holo-projection. Curious, he set up his wrist computer to trace the signal, and was surprised to find it leading to the cell, where he headed. "Zamy, what are you doing down he?" he asked as he arrived in the cell block. ------------ "Thank's Mom. That's good to know." ------------ "Okay Dad. I don't mind, but Melody might..." said Anna ------------ "Please. Glen, Dylan. This is not the time to argue," pleaded Ziona, looking upset.
  9. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Carnival? That's unexpected! 36 And goodnight Dylan!
  10. Sonic Lost World

    Well I fired up my 3DS copy on Monday, for practicality the first time despite getting it one release day. So, first impressions: And after beating the first boss I had to put it down. I wasn't annoyed with it, but I knew that unless I played it in shorts bursts I would be. Basically, there is too much going on. The 3D round worlds make navigating hard to follow. Having two different attacks that have different effects is awkward, moreso when you're trying to spot exactly which badnik you're locked onto and which attack you need to use. Having a speed-boost button during the parkour bits is unnecessary (why can't we just use the run button). And on the subject of the run button, surely it would work better as a 'slow' button. Which leads to the context sensitive controls. There is too many differences in what the controls do. And if you want to do a stomp when you have a lock... On the Wii U with a bigger screen, and the visuals being easier to follow, maybe some of these issues would be lessened. Now, a lot of these things are good ideas when taken alone. But I feel there's TOO many when you put them together, which means the whole product is overburdened and complicated. It's not really bad, but it's not good. Ironically, if this game wasn't about Sonic, and hence had a slower pace in general, I think it might have made for a great platformer. Except for the special stages. At least my dog was amused by my antics.
  11. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Yep, do we have an answer? 28
  12. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    What kinda party? 26
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye got up from the table and left to the infirmary. Ziona stood in the middle, unsure what to say. ------------- Melody smiled. "I know Mom. But as longs as I'm not spoiling anyone's happiness more than is reasonable." ------------ Anna laughed. "Oh no, we won't be doing that... though...actually.... Would that... help her learn to walk faster once she's been heal? Being in a body almost like her's that can still walk and run... and it might be nice for her to have some freedom..." Anna didn't sound as if she was thrilled with the idea, but if it would help her sister...
  14. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Any particular reason for that? 18
  15. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Mmm, I don't agree, but if it will make you happy. 15
  16. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    I've over twice the age of the number I'm typing. That is not young! 13
  17. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Ah, you young whippersnappers and your tests. 11
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I think the DEL has better things to do than spying on us," muttered Skye. "Glen, you're getting too worked up again," said Ziona, trying to calm him down. ----------- "But I don't want you to be," said Melody. ----------- "Mongoose number two? Shouldn't I be number one because I'm older?" asked Anna with faux hurt voice and a wide grin.
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye's head snapped up at Glen's shout. "Different Zone Glen. In his Zone people are fire proof." --------------- "But I don't want you to be more upset by thinking that I'm upset," replied Melody ---------------- "Don't you like the idea?" asked Anna
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Too long... and too much has happened. At least they've taken... HIM away now," said Skye slowly. ----------- "Nonsense? What do you mean?" asked Melody. ---------- "Hmm, pink? Nah, too garish? Green... nah, I'd feel sickly. Blue? Nooo... nonono! I know what I want! Let's give it a Autumnal forest colour. Oranges and yellows and reds!" said Anna excitedly. ---------- "Oh boy..." breathed Ziona. "Spark, do you promise not to go around killing people this time, even if the do stand in our way?"
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye sat down next to Tikal, looking a bit shaken. ------------ "M-maybe... But I don't want people to worry or fuss over me. And I don't want them to see me upset, because that would upset them," said Melody. ----------- "Okay Daddy, hmm, nice bright colours..." ---------- "What makes you think that?" asked Ziona
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'm... I'm not gonna mope about this like Skye would," said Melody determinedly. ------------ "That'd be nice. Some bright colours maybe.... Hmm, is there some way we could find out how Melody would like her room designed without her realising? It'd be a nice surprise for her." ------------ "What do you mean Glen? Spark and Dylan just said they'd come," said Ziona
  23. Free play mania 1.0

    Oh, okay then Dylan. Fluffy, do you want to swap dance partners?
  24. General Art Thread

    Those are both pretty Darn good. Especially that the first one took you hardly any time at all.
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'll.. sit this one out," said Skye. "You've got good support here, and I should really be taking care of Melody." "Do you remember Berry, the squirrel who showed up a while ago at the hotel? Kayl is her friend," Ziona explained.
