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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Working on it, but I'm not too experienced with adjustments and plugins yet so it might take some time.
  2. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    301! Sneaky people, I'm at work >~> oh well, 350 is next, good luck. Note to future Cheery: 73x is -50
  3. The Happy Birthday Thread

    I'll see what I can do when I come home. Oh, and it's still Cheery, not Cherry.
  4. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy birthday! Weshouldmakeapluginwithbirthdaysshowingatthebottomofthepagetbhkthxbai.
  5. And suddenly out of nowhere, Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire confirmed. Holy Cheery I got a heart attack.

  6. Top 10 Video Game Villains

    Let's see what I got.... Note that spoilers are included but I am not going to put a spoiler tag everywhere. 1. Kuja Tribal (Final Fantasy 9) - It was a really tough choice for me to choose between both Kefka and Kuja, but I like the second just a bit more. A very powerful character who had the abilities to whipe out all of existence. He even managed to do so, but his plans were spoiled by a final boss who shouldn't be there. Darn you Necron!!! Oh, and Kuja has also never been defeated by the protagonists. Never. And his role in Dissidia was pretty interesting too. If Kuja wouldn't have been there, Kefka Palazzo would probably take the top spot. But Kuja deserves this place. 2. Dr Ivo Eggman Robotnik (Sonic franchise) - If it weren't a list of video game villains, Eggman could have competed with Kuja. But still, his accomplishments in the games weren't too shabby either. He unleased several demigods of destruction on the world, as well as the creation of several robots, including Gamma, Omega and Metal Sonic. And he is just plain evil, as he did blow up the world. And also accidently almost destroyed them if it weren't for Sonic. 3. Ghirahim (Zelda: Skyward Sword) - I could go for Ganondorf but nah, Ghirahim is complete nuts. And I like insane characters, so this spot was reserved for him. He's a strong villain too, parring with Link at times. Of course, Link has the protagonist curse so he will always win. But man oh man, the battles with him were good. 4. Fawful (Mario & Luigi series) - Bowser? Nah, he's a joke of a villain. Fawful is just plain nuts, awesome and powerful. Also points up for surviving exploding in Superstar Saga and then return as the main villain in Bowser's inside story. Good job, boy. 5. Glados (Portal Series) - Mean, cruel, hilarious, insane. Everything a villain should be. 6. Dr. Wily (Mega Man franchise) - Aah, good ol' Wily. Probably some of you see him as a... pretty bad villain because all he has done was reprogamming robots and failed everytime. Eh, reprogamming is already a nice feat, but what put Wily up here are the following reasons: He created Bass, the Yellow Devil and Zero. And with the creation of Zero, he also made the Maverick Virus (correct me if I'm wrong here) which was passed on to Sigma. Wily, while dead, played a huge part in the events of the Mega Man X, Zero and ZX series. That's just awesome. 7. Cyrus (Pokemon D/P/P) - Wants to use the creation trio (Dialgia, Palkia, Giratina) to rewrite the universe to his bidding. Now that's pretty genius. Of course, he loses to a 10-years old pokemon trainer and after the battle he just gives up all his plans. Pokemon logic, don't question it. 8. Duke Polentei (Tales of Vesperia) - I haven't played all of the Tales of games yet, including the most popular ones. So please, don't hurt me. I just like Duke a lot because he is an omnious and very powerful character. And he is not particularly evil. He just hates mankind. I don't blame him. 9. Vaas Montenegro (Farcry 3) - Ehh, I'm not the biggest fan of current generation villains. Especially not in shooters. But Vaas is just a genius. And insane, that's why he's on here in the first place. 10. Senator Steven Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising) - Probably one of the most hilarious political statements ever made. I think The Autarch of Flame describes it best in his video
  7. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Aaaah Edward Elric is such a great character...
  8. I just finished rewatching the original Fullmetal Alchemist! Because my memories were pretty vague of the time when I watched it.. But I can say, it was still awesome! Not as good as Brotherhood, but still an absolute check. Didn't really enjoy the ending too much though.

    1. Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

      Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

      I know right! Brotherhood I have to admit it was better, but at least it had sort of a happy ending...?

    2. Shadow


      Sort of I suppose. But there were many unanswered questions for me and there was still a war which they conpletely ignore. It wasn't a bad ending but I have seen better ones for sure.

    3. Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

      Tooq (Kitty McPurrington)

      I agree completely. :3

  9. Despite gemucon2014 being cancelled (and all the issues not yet resolved), there is still one gaming event to look forward to for me, which I just purchased tickets for :) And it's only like 60 kilometres away, so that's great. Name is FirstLook2014 by the way.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Ah! That makes sense

    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      I don't have control over it D:

      mind giving me lessons? o.o

    3. Shadow


      I can't give lessons in that. It just happened to come along with it.

      My mind is insanity, my doings are... pretty normal. So in that point, I have control over it. And it's not easy for me to lose control so it comes as a positive side.

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  10. Sonic Dash

    It takes far too long. I only collected 30 eggs so far and I got bored easily. The only thing that keeps me going is Cream, because I love Cream. But otherwise nah.
  11. Well great. My trip to England (GemuCon2014) is most likely going to be cancelled because they sold too less tickets (questionable)... And it's going to take a lot of effort to get my moneys back, as they are basically bankrupt at the moment. Good jobedes.

    1. sweet_lil_Eliza


      That sucks I'm soo sorry for you *hug*

    2. Shadow


      *Hugs Eliza*

    3. NegaMetallix


      Oh well, I can still look forward to Summer of Sonic... whenever they decide to announce it.

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  12. It's a special day in the Netherlands today (names Kings day)... And I have to work. What, I get triple paid because I work on a special day, that's like... whole lotta money :D

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      What? No, it's the Netherlands or as some people call it, Holland

    2. Show next comments  48 more
  13. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    When do you guys think they will put the Stardroids into the story? They already had a small hint in #32, where Sunstar is shown at the end. I'm assuming it will be between either the 4 and 5 arc, or the 5 and 6 arc. That does sound very far away though... I can't wait D:
  14. Good ol' Sega. Sometimes leaving us quiet with news, and then bombing us with it. Gotta work on the Global Event news post I suppose... It will be up in max. 30 minutes :3

  15. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Super Fighting Robot... Mega Cheery!!
  16. Last to post wins v3.0

    I know, and don't worry, you may ask as much as you like. I just wanted to clarify it for the (active) people.
  17. Last to post wins v3.0

    Ehh usually I don't do this but none of you have any reports. Dylan had one at the very beginning of this site, where he was reported for inappropiate language. There was NOTHING in his post inappropiate. I suppose that was just a troll report, I dunno Locke had one too, because he said F*cking once. Pfft, big deal, I just made it f*cking and ignored the report. Nothing seen here. Still, I don't usually share staff related stuff with members but meh, it's not a big deal :3
  18. Last to post wins v3.0

    Nope, you haven't done anything rule breaking c: Many of the people here haven't, so that's a good sign.
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    Pfft, being reported doesn't do anything. It's what we do with it. And so far, I think we have only acknowledged 4 reports max.
  20. Last to post wins v3.0

    I'm being totally serious. Oh well, it's something to cheer up the day I suppose :3
  21. Last to post wins v3.0

    *Sarcasm mode on* Oh no! Skye, you said a really bad word there! It is my duty as moderator to give you a warning point! *Sarcasm mode off* O.T: You don't want to know how many reports we have seen for the words Darn or Darn it, it's just insane >~>
  22. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    I'm in need of inspiration to put Cheery faces on. In the meantime, here you go.
  23. Last to post wins v3.0

    Kudos to the person who knows the crossover. Though it isn't that difficult :3
  24. General Trash

    Thank you Dylan, but don't forget: Thanks anyways.
  25. Last to post wins v3.0

    Orly? Edit: I could have made this better I suppose. But It's late already and I have to get up early tomorrow so g'night.
