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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Games that you are currently playing

    Demon's Crest (SNES) - I wanted to play something completely different. Then I looked at the sky, and a bird shouted at me to play this game. So yeah, Demon's Crest. I will be playing this as a side game alongside the ones I'm currently playing. I was mainly in search of some new 2D Platformers. Rocket Knight Adventures is also a game that is on the list, but I'll keep that one for a bit later. Demon's Crest is one of these games I had still lying around, so I though eh, why not. I swear I remember having Gargoyle's Quest too but I can't find it. Too bad. Demon's Crest is a spin-off of the infamous difficult game Ghost 'n Goblins. And I must admit.. I have not completed that game yet. I did finish the first playthrough, which was a pain. Only to end up with a screen saying that it was an illusion (haha f*ck you Capcom). This game so far on the other hand... Has a perfect difficulty. I'm not that far yet, but this game challenges me while not having me stuck on the same level for hours because I can't continue. Like I said, I'm not that far but it's a good impression. Kirby's Dream Land 2 (Game Boy) - I still want to get more into Kirby. I've played the first one and Nightmare in Dreamland and they were... okay but not really my cup of tea. But it is one of those franchises that I am willing to give a chance. Kirby games are rather... short, so that is really appealing to me. On that note, I'm already in world 4. I don't know how many there are left but I'm not expecting much more.
  2. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    Dang it, is he seriously going to break the Master Emerald again? Does he have a fetish doing that or something? (Sorry, I just HAD to make that joke, not even knowing if he's going to do that ^^)
  3. Party Games rules

    Name a Cartoon or Anime character: A game made by NMS. The purpose of this game is just to name a character from an anime or cartoon. Don't Say The Exact Character The Person Before You Said. Don't Double Post. Don't use Any Other Characters That Haven't Even Made An Appearance In An Anime/Cartoon. Cameos Are Not Counted. Sonic Titles without Sonic: A game created by MetalSkulkBane_PL. You know these games that have Sonic in the title, while he's just there because it's a game of his franchise. Exactly. The goal of this game is to replace Sonic with other characters from the Sonic Universe, to create the most wacky games. The games are currently restricted to Sonic games only. Though I'm not sure if that's actually the case anymore. Oh well. The characters are also currently restricted to the Sonic universe only. Though I see people using names from the Sonic Scanf forum too so... Oh well.
  4. Party Games rules

    I am expecting you to read the rules before playing. If you don't follow them, your post will be removed immediately. The first two times count as warnings, but later on you will be banned for a limited amount of time from this section. Hello guys, and welcome to the Party Games forums. My name is Shadow and I will lead you around and introduce you to the rules. As of now, everybody is following the rules precisely. However, it could be possible that, in the future, more people are going to join. This will result in a crowed places, eventually turning into a mess. This thread is mostly dedicated for that situation, because I want to have everything under control. This thread will be split up into several parts. The first post will include the rules used for the whole Sonic SCANF Forums, including this section. Extra rules are added at the same time. The other posts will contain rules for every seperate game. This topic is closed due to the possibility of more games joining, keeping it a rules only thread. If you have any question, please visit the Questions and Feedback thread within this Section. Thanks in advance.
  5. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    'Yes, tell Last Order what you mean!' Says MISAKA as MISAKA stares at you with her cute face. Oh, by the way, it's back to 400 again. Probably should have been for some time already but I didn't check this thread too often. Was too busy checking other things I suppose ;3 Note to future me: 106 is back to 350. Oohh, we're almost at the 100! Hi-five Jest!
  6. General Zelda thread

    Definitely. There is a reason Link to the Past still remains as my favorite out of any Zelda game. Wind Waker and Link's Awakening may give it competition, but there's no doubt for me that 2D zelda games are less quality than the 3D ones. Probably it's nostalgia, but I really like Link to the Past.
  7. Pokemon!

    I don't know. In my opinion, Meowstic, Riolu and Dedenne are pretty cute :3 I surely like more cute pokemon but I can't think of any at the moment. It's just that I often do not care for baby pokemon or other pokemon that are specifically made to look cute. Eevee for example looks really cute but also has a good purpose, being that he evolves into many different pokemon. Some pokemon look cute but are utterly hopeless in the games. Might sound a bit harsh but it is kind of the truth.
  8. Just wanted to mention something: You can really post as much as you like in the Gaming section as long as it follows the rules. So you don't have to hesitate :) Just don't make one-liners or off-topic posts and everything's fine :D

    1. Shadow


      Just thought I'd clear things up a bit, since the rules I made might sound a bit too strict :3

    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      *ears up* okay =D

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Yay! I'll post sometime then

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  9. Pokemon!

    Eh my taste in cuteness tends to differ from time to time. I probably just dislike his eyes. Yeah, it's a small nitpick but that's how I am.
  10. Pokemon!

    I myself chose Chespin, because I would get a Blastoise from Sycamore and I got the Torchic from the event, so I basically had all elemental starters. I prefer both other starters over Chespin though. Chespin is cool, but his evolutions... eh. The Grass/Fighting is a nice combo but the final evolution (forgot his name) barely learns any fighting moves. Fennekin is average, but I love Braixen. And the typing is great. I dislike Froakie. I don't care for Frogadier either. But Greninja is awesome.
  11. Games that you are currently playing

    Ni No Kuni - From now on, I'm using a randomizer to pick games for me to play, since... I have a massive list of unplayed games, for basically every console I own. But since I only recently got a PS3, I decided to continue there. So yeah, Ni No Kuni was the result! I'm pretty happy with the result, as Ni No Kuni is one of the games that made me very curious if I should buy a PS3 or not. And since I could buy it from a friend for a cheap price, that was a given. Soo... taking a small break from Tales games, and going back to a different kind of RPG I don't think I will finish this game as fast as Graces F, since I am still planning to pick up video making. Something is just stopping me and I don't know what.
  12. Pokemon!

    Time for even more Mega's. I really like Audino! That looks great. It wasn't the first 5th gen pokemon that I would expect having a Mega, but I'm fine with it. Slowbro on the other hand...
  13. I've been thinking about this for a while, and now I finally made it true! Today, I present you guys with the newly revamped Gaming section!

    1. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      Streamlined, easy to navigate... Ninja Cy like. :)

    2. Device


      Looks great! Now hopefully more people will post in the gaming section! lol

    3. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      I just saw it. Cool.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  14. Gaming Section Rules!

    Since the Gaming section got a whole new design, it was time to update some rules here. Sooo... Heylo, my name is Cheery and welcome, to the new Gaming section! For me, the Gaming section has always been a mess, even for a small community. So I did some cleaning up, removed several threads which didn't contain any posts (and lets be honest here, that wouldn't get any at the same time) and reorganised older threads into newer sub sections. So here are some rules to avoid it from becoming a mess again: For now, we will only have the following five sections: Action, Adventure, Platformers, Role-Playing games and Fighting. At the moment we are not in need of any more sub sections. If you don't know in what section your thread fits, you can post it in the general Gaming section, which is still active. You can post something like 'I don't know where to post this thread' at the top of your post. We will moderate this section pretty often so we can check where it fits. Any threads that do not fit in any of these sections can be posted in the general Gaming section. (e.g. Puzzle, Racing, Indie) I will remind you of this again: DO NOT DOUBLE POST. The only excuse to do this is when there hasn't been another post for more than a month. Please try to avoid making threads for single games when they are in a franchise with more than 2 games (e.g. making a thread for Mario Bros and a thread for Super Mario Galaxy). The only exceptions here are spin-off titles (e.g. Paper Mario, Mario Kart) Do not ask if your thread can be pinned. There's no reason to and after all, WE decide on that. I might sound very strict here, but it is needed to avoid another mess. For questions, feel free to contact me using the Personal Messenger.
  15. Pokemon!

    Currently most of my expectations are getting a Mega evolution. Not that I'm complaining, as Altaria and Salamence are some of my favorite pokemons from gen 3. Dragon/Fairy eh? Going to be interesting.
  16. Hyrule warriors is going to be soooo good. I told myself that when it showed up for the first time and it only got better since.

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      It's awesome looking. Old characters are there too.

    2. Device


      I'm excited! I was hoping for online play, but doesn't seem like it will have that.

    3. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      I'm excited for Hyrule Warriors as well. I just have to get the cash for it as well as a Wii U.

  17. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    Don't ask us. Ask Archie. After all, we're not making the comics, they are :3
  18. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Braixen? (one of my favorite Gen 6 pokemon)
  19. Video-Game Music Thread

    It's kind of a bad game, but it has my favorite sountrack in any video game. Probably because it was my first game too but... eh. (spoiler for final boss. But it's my favorite of the game so I posted it here.)
  20. Remember when I said I bought a Wii U? Yeh... PS3 joined too. Darnit Bokxie.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Lucky you!

    2. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      Cool. Welcome to the club of PS3 users!

    3. Shadow


      Thank you sir :3 I mainly got it for the exclusives the Xbox 360 lacks. I'm a huge Tales of fanboy, so I ordered Tales of Xillia and Graces F, so they'll arrive tomorrow :D And so will Ni No Kuni hopefully.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  21. Off-Topic Thread

    Eh you don't have to make apologies. None of you have to. I just wanted to make my point clear. The off-topic thread is kind of a thread where you can post whatever you want, but it just became a spam fest. And I didn't want a spam fest. Feel free to make a spam fest in the party games section though, I don't mind at all.
  22. Off-Topic Thread

    Can we please stop this? Sure, it's an off-topic thread but that doesn't mean you have to spam it. Go to the party games section or something. I dunno. Oh, and NMS: Stop immediately with making pointless posts. It's not cool, not even in the off-topic thread.
  23. World Cup 2014

    Decided to make a topic for it because you know, it seems pretty popular. So yeah, here is the topic for FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014!
  24. I'm a Madokian. And I'm proud of it. (Shortly said: I watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica and I loved it.)

  25. World Cup 2014

    Dunno. I'll just let it die out. Might unpin it later on.
