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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. Oh man, my sides! Thet hurt from laughing so much! I saw Worlds Unite #8's variant and its hilarious! So, while we wait for the other covers, how about some preview pages? http://arcadesushi.com/mega-man-48-preview-archie-comics/

  2. Well, the Clemont Gym battle sure was interesting, ended with Goodra winning against Luxray well, thats what it gets for evolving and knowing 5 moves! Mega Garchomp is in the next episode, and young Alain and Gible is so cute!

  3. Well, todays already going slow.... *sigh* still 8 more hours until the Pokemon episode we've waited a long time for comes out in Japanese... and where are the new solicits?! DX

  4. The next few days are going to go soooo slow... New solicits, MM #48's preview, Clemont gym battle in Pokemon XY, Comic Con...

  5. I love how everyone is waiting for Pokemon Rumble World, while i'm just sitting here waiting for it to finish download, Time Difference FTW XD

  6. Well, I've decided to start getting all the comics off Comixology earlier than expected, as my comic shop is struggling to get them, and uh... Sonic Boom AND STH are coming out this week?! Oh, and Mega Man #48 isn't delayed ;)

  7. This is probably a stupid theory, but what if in Worlds Unite, the Freedom Fighters tried to deroboticized Mega Man when they save him?

    1. Shinomi-chan


      That would be interesting

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      That would be funny.

    3. NegaMetallix


      Hmm... maybe, but I suspect they'll just consider him to be a new Egg Boss or Badnik Horde Commander.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  8. Now I know I need to watch the Pokemon XY episodes that are on Cartoon Network as soon as they are recorded for me. Why? The episode that was on Thursday had the Sonic Bomm commercial during the commercial break, so if I saw the episode on Thursday, I would've known about Sonic Boom airing here and I.wouldn't have missed yhe first 2 episodes! DX

  9. I give up finding a specific shiny Pokemon... I've tried to get a Shiny Ninetales for about 4 months, and i've run into the shinies of the other two Pokemon in the Friend Saffari. Now, I've been hunting for a Shiny Aron through hordes in Alpha Sapphire for more than a week, on just my 5th horde today I run into a shiny Zubat! -_- *sigh*

  10. Yes yes YES! Cartoon Network has started showing Sonic Boom! :D I sadly missed the first episodes yesterday though... DX

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe


    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Eat poison villainous network schedule!

  11. I can't hold my excitement! This week is huge! We get the long awaited gym battle with Clemont in Pokemon XY on Thursday, Oz Comic Con is on Saturday, and any day now, we'll have the next set of previews! :D

  12. Ha ha, I was playing SSB4 with a friend, a CPU sent out Elec Man, my friend continuously shot him and he fell off the stage. I am ashamed of you Elec Msn, you're better than this

  13. Ha ha, I love the Engliah episode name for the epusode where Luxio evolves, "The future is now thanks to determination!" and the pic is Clemont collapsed on top of Luxio XD

  14. Wow, next week's big for Pokemon episodes, in English we're getting the 4th gym battle while in Japanese we're getting the long awaited gym battle with Clemont! :D

  15. "Remember, for your safety please avoid SUPER SONIC!" Gotta love changing Eggman's announcement with the announcer yelling the colour powers or Super Sonnic XD

  16. Quite a few Pokemon Episodes have made my heart melt once, but the new japanese episode made my heart melt twice, and the moments are like 10 seconds a part from each other XD

    1. Shinomi-chan


      awww... :3 I have to admit Japanese versions have so much more feelings...

  17. Horay! Tristan Jones (AKA T-Rex) is going to be at Oz Comic Con! Maybe I can get some penciled Mega Man covers :D I wish next weekend would hurry up!

  18. Anyone else find Roll's bio in the first Mega Man graphic novel funny? Just the way they put it makes me laugh everytime I read it XD

  19. Sketched some.Meg Man chatacters in class, the mistakes I made are hilarious XD Ice Man with no arms or legs, Rock with a really long right arm while having a short left arm, and don't get me strted on Time Man XD Oil Man and Roll were the only good ones XD

  20. Hunting for shiny Torchic on.Pokemon Alphs Sapphire while hunting for a Shiny Riolu on Route 23 of X... On roughly 40 encounters, I ran inti a Shiny Psyduck... -_-

  21. I'm so nervous, I have to coach my sport class tomorrow...

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Good luck!

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Best of luck to ya!

    3. Margred


      Good luck! :D

  22. Horay! Comixology updated earlier than usual! In ohther words, I have Mega Man #47! :D

    1. Centaur Man

      Centaur Man

      The comic was unspectacular

  23. Sweet! Unlike the last shiny livestream I watched when I missed a shiny Reshiram, just 5 minutes before I have to leave for school, the 2nd livestream I watch, I see the live shiny Oddish! First shiny seen on a livestream! :D

  24. Tomorrow's taking a long time to come.... Sadly, Sonic.Universe #74's delayed, but Mega Man #47 isn't. Ugh, worst thing about Wednesday's is its the only day where I have 5 classes, every other day I leave school early or arrive late!

  25. Hm... interactions I'd love to see in Worlds Unite... Bunnie and Fire Man would be hilarious! XD and I'd love to see either Tails or Rotor (or both) chasing the Light Numbers, seeing how they are made XD

    1. Shinomi-chan


      Light Numbers?

    2. Pearl98


      It's another name for Dr Light's Robot Masters, their serial numbers start with DLN, which stands for Doctor Light Number, so when I usually call the original Robot Masters either just the originals or Light Numbers ;)

    3. Shinomi-chan


      OOOh :O okay. thanks :) Yes that would be cool!
