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About Chapmic

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  • Birthday 04/30/90

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  1. So, is there any explanation to the one week delayed release of issue 275 ?

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    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Agreed. Just be happy it's here

    3. Chapmic


      Who said I wasn't ? It's just that it did cut the story on an epic moment. And yes, anything that's not release on planned schedule should be explained, otherwise people end up releasing their stuff irregularly. Just look at series like the Simpsons or Family Guy that now can sometimes be delayed three weeks, making a full four weeks gap between two episodes. That's almost a month, and both started with one week delayed episodes. Now look how many times the Super Special Magaz...

    4. Shadow


      I haven't heard any explaination from Archie. I did heard rumours that there was indeed a delay between Sonic Boom #11 and StH #275, but I never heard the reason. Tried to look it up, couldn't find anything either. Soo... don't think there's an explaination, sorry :P

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