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Lena Stan Account

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Status Replies posted by Lena Stan Account

  1. There we go. The final manga duo of naruto.

  2. Finally! I have the "Fearless" trophy for Slender: The Arrival. Meaning, I beat the game on hardcore.

  3. What the....? All my main Pokemon in X and Y have Pokerus! You know how rare that is? XD

  4. There we go. The final manga duo of naruto.

  5. I feel really stupid... I've been playing Mega Man games for nearly 2 years now, but I died on the intro stage for Megw Man 7... XD

  6. Majora's Mask 3D confirmed... Give me Sonic Adventure 3, and i'll cry tears of joy!

  7. I just read 698 of Naruto, I was really surprised! So this is it? One more chapter? I'm kinda bummed out that Naruto is ending.

  8. I just read 698 of Naruto, I was really surprised! So this is it? One more chapter? I'm kinda bummed out that Naruto is ending.

  9. I just read 698 of Naruto, I was really surprised! So this is it? One more chapter? I'm kinda bummed out that Naruto is ending.

  10. I just read 698 of Naruto, I was really surprised! So this is it? One more chapter? I'm kinda bummed out that Naruto is ending.

  11. School has now started for me again :(

  12. I missed halloween here! Dang!

  13. So I'm back after being inactive for multiple months. If you want a summary of what I've done since, I moved a little bit up north in my state and got transferred to a new school as a result. I already have a few friends and I even went to a Dungeons and Dragons party on Halloween last week, so that was fun. That's pretty much it though.


  15. Awww, looks like Halloween is over now. Errrrr, anyone got a cure for vampirism?

  16. Wow, I'm only just finding out that the 4 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl movies are out on DVD TOMORROW -_- Well, I'm going to have no money left by early December, 3 big games coming out, a new Pokemon movie coming totheatres on Saturday, it then comes out on DVD Dec.3, then the first like, 20 episodes of the XY season comes out on DVD around the same date! DX

  17. Hey everyone! I has one chilidog and me not sharing.

  18. Hey everyone! I has one chilidog and me not sharing.

  19. Korume's is here.

  20. I am gonna be busy and completely invisible soon :(

  21. Can you feel the sunshine?

  22. I've been of what characters I'd do okay voice acting with, for a while I've been doing Sally, Amy and Roll, but theirs one character I would do perfectly that I totally forgot about... Marine XD

  23. Whahahahaha...

  24. Happy Halloween! Time for a costume. And no, goading a vampire to bite me in order to get the best costume ever was not excessive! (Thanks Dylan for the picture!)

  25. Seeing how much of a Mega Man fan I am, you'd probably never imagine that I've only been a fan since last year XD Though, this time in 2012 I read my first Mega Man comic (MM#19)
