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Lena Stan Account

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Status Replies posted by Lena Stan Account

  1. Purple is purple

  2. The new Dragon Ball Z movie looks like PURE AWESOMENESS. We have bills in there and a certain annoying villain.

  3. The new Dragon Ball Z movie looks like PURE AWESOMENESS. We have bills in there and a certain annoying villain.

  4. Hmmm...*evil smile* A possibility to have a crazy rain here and get rid of the school is high! hehhehe.

  5. Hmmm...*evil smile* A possibility to have a crazy rain here and get rid of the school is high! hehhehe.

  6. you ever got the feeling you're being watched? cause I sure do... every minute and second...

  7. you ever got the feeling you're being watched? cause I sure do... every minute and second...

  8. that awkward moment... when you're watching anime... and then your parents come out of no where to your room... o-o

  9. Two more day...and first break from school starts...applying applying...soon soon. Oh well, just coming to say hi, might be more active during Thansgiving

  10. that awkward moment... when you're watching anime... and then your parents come out of no where to your room... o-o

  11. that awkward moment... when you're watching anime... and then your parents come out of no where to your room... o-o

  12. So I was soft reseting still trying for a siny Torchic, my mum comes in with something behind her back. Whta is it? Pokemon Omega Ruby. Yeah, I'm lucky enough to have both versions of the new Pokemon remakes :D

  13. When life gives you lemons, make cherrylade and let life figure out how you did it

  14. Two more day...and first break from school starts...applying applying...soon soon. Oh well, just coming to say hi, might be more active during Thansgiving

  15. that awkward moment... when you're watching anime... and then your parents come out of no where to your room... o-o

  16. Well, It might be a little early, but since I consider this month and next month in conjuction with each other in regards to the holidays, found my Christmas Avi. XD

  17. Well, It might be a little early, but since I consider this month and next month in conjuction with each other in regards to the holidays, found my Christmas Avi. XD

  18. First he gets chased by a Poochyena, then a Shroomish, now his own wife? Whenever is professor Birch going to learn? XD

  19. I sometimes hear whispering in my room and footsteps... should I assume Slender Man is after me?

  20. I can't choose what I would paly... GTA or Rally? :b :D

  21. I refuse to sleep again...

  22. those who do not know me yet... I'm random, I love hugs and I will find you and I will hug you.

  23. Something really random :b

  24. Something really random :b
