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Lena Stan Account

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Status Replies posted by Lena Stan Account

  1. I can watch Space Dandy and check messages on here, tumblr, and Steam at the same time! I am the multitask king!! But uh.. my brain hurts.

  2. Gintoki : "Why should we make a big deal out of lack of toilet paper?" Me : Says the only anime character who spent 5 episodes in toilet.

  3. I can watch Space Dandy and check messages on here, tumblr, and Steam at the same time! I am the multitask king!! But uh.. my brain hurts.

  4. I can watch Space Dandy and check messages on here, tumblr, and Steam at the same time! I am the multitask king!! But uh.. my brain hurts.

  5. Does anyone know the feeling when you're watching anime and you see this douche character and you just want to punch him/her in the face but remember they're not real and feel bad because you can't punch them? o_o or is it just me?

  6. Yesh! This is my lucky day :D I finally completed one mission in GTA vice city stories and I have two days freedom from school \(^○^)/

  7. Horay! I found out today i got exactly what I wanted for my Work Experience! I go to the school literally just down the road from here, and I'm doing Sport teaching! :D

  8. Today I will take a break from my wackiness.

  9. Today I will take a break from my wackiness.

  10. Today I will take a break from my wackiness.

  11. Today I will take a break from my wackiness.

  12. Today I will take a break from my wackiness.

  13. Today I will take a break from my wackiness.

  14. Today I will take a break from my wackiness.

  15. Today I will take a break from my wackiness.

  16. Today I will take a break from my wackiness.

  17. Your gonna live in the world of the last video game you played...so where are you?

  18. So finally making some progress in Pokemon Y and I've caught Yveltal.... with a Quick Ball!

  19. So finally making some progress in Pokemon Y and I've caught Yveltal.... with a Quick Ball!

  20. Time to get rid of my toys from previous shenanigans... Pokemon reincarnation wheel, wheel of insanity, universal copy machine , piñata of death. *throws them away*

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      *jumps in like a bunny and spins the wheel*

    2. (See 62 other replies to this status update)

  21. Your gonna live in the world of the last video game you played...so where are you?

  22. Nothing is better than cutting the boss of a stage in half with Z-saber.

  23. I updated my profile little bit :D ^^

  24. I updated my profile little bit :D ^^

  25. I updated my profile little bit :D ^^
