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Posts posted by ChaosKaiser

  1. Alright, this might be a little excessive, but I return to pick the remaining members of Team Rose: Big the Cat and Cream the Rabbit, her mom, Vanilla, Mina the Mongoose (another previous Sonic's fangirl...great?), Relic the Pika (as far as I know, her little appearances in the comics make her almost like a white canvas to me) and, here comes the big reveal....

    ...the Blue Blur himself, Sonic the Hedgehog.

    I don't know if it's possible to take so many characters in one row, and if it's even good to take the protagonist of the entire franchise, but there's my "wishlist".

  2. Nicole the Holo-lynx. I think she's my favourite too. From her character development, to her design. I LOVE her post-reboot design. (not that I dislike Yardley's design, which was great too). I am fascinated with the science-fiction trope of "machine that becomes alive" and those sort of topics, and Nicole basically IS that trope...

    BUT, there's a close second (if not at the same level), which is none other than Bunnie Rabbot. Why? C'mon, look at her, sugah... Aside from her somehow super-hero-esque design (someone said Cyborg?) which I see as a challenging vision of Sonic the Hedghog's original conflict (Nature vs. Machinery) I love the way she is: energetic, sometimes savage, sometimes sweet, like an older sister to the younger members of the team, like a mature fighter with the most veteran ones. In my humble opinion, her romance with Antoine is easily the best love story in the entire franchise.

    And that Southern American accent... I love it. Ah ain't gonna lie, it makes me laugh. 

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  3. Yes, Dylan, making a fan-character that isn't a wolf, rabbit, dog, bird, bear, cat or hedgehog is WRONG!

    Jokes aside, maybe it's not like that. Maybe Infinite can be... Mister Needlemouse? You know, Sonic's prototype could have been a rabbit, a star-guy, and, once they decided he was a hedgehog, Oshima drew him with many more spikes. That might explain Infinite's mixed species, and him wearing a mask, since "he has no face"?

    I'm theorizing too much. Please, somebody stop me


  4. I honestly don't think he's Mephiles. I have no idea who he is behind the mask, but I have a theory about why Infinite is like this: mysterious, dark, powerful, with a song that talks about pain, death and dark stuff... (song which I specially like)

    I think that, while the Custom Hero is what Sega might see as a "good fan-character", Infinite might represent the Shadow-like edgy and over-the-top fan-character, with habilities that allow him to change reality at will?
    So in the end, Sonic Forces storyline could be a representation of the creative struggle between a sensitive and good creation (our avatar) vs. a Mary-Sue (Infinity). But even being a Mary-Sue-like character, I love Infinite!

    Or maybe I'm crazy, and see symbolism where there is a way more simple explaination...

  5. So we definately have an answer to this topic's title: and sadly, it's yes.

    All the readers won't see the end of the storylines, and won't enjoy the work of marvelous artists. And my dream of drawing official Sonic comics is dead.


  6. I don't know if I said it before, but they look great. I love that futuristic look that somehow reminds me of Silver ('though they look nothing like him), but yet have this darker style that doesn't try to be edgy. And of course, aside from the design, your digital art skills are impressive. 

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  7. Amy approached Peggy and Sasha.

    "So, you're Sasha, right? Don't you worry, I've seen what Peggy can do with vehicles, and she'll have the van fixed in the blink of an eye! But your brother G wants you to go with him now, so let's leave Peggy do her magic..." the hedgehog said, now looking at Peggy.

    "Good luck with the reparations. Show us your best!" she said to the cat.


  8. HOLY CRACKERS! That cover is absolutely gorgeous. It honestly feels like a cover from the official comic!  And that creative team... my gosh... 

    I would love to join you in your project, but I am not good enough to fit in... 

    So, @SonicWindAttack, are you tanking part on the StHO series? Maybe we'll see your name on the Sonic Universe Online? Or will you stay on with Mobius Legends?

  9. Well, "decent art skills"... I've seen you're working with Drawloverlala and Gigi D. no less... that's way more than just decent art skills for me! ;P 

    So, is there a way to know if my shoddy draftmanship that brings shame to all mankind is worthy of your project?


  10. Whooooa...wait a minute...this is for real? Because I've read about your work, and I think is admirable, to say the least. 

    So, Sonic the Hedgehog Online is coming any time soon? Does this project need more people? How did you find this place?? 

  11. Another one which I haven't named yet:

    Image may contain: drawing

    I really loved the previous two pics, but this, THIS one goes beyond love. It seems like the kind of character I would draw... but I don't. I dunno how to explain it. I feel like the design, the proportions, the style... everything works perfectly.

    I think I'm going nuts or something...

    BTW, can I draw her?

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