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Seviper the Fang Snake

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Posts posted by Seviper the Fang Snake

  1. "Laser rifle, buzz saw gatling gun, thunder boxing gloves, ah the wargoose. " Said Zangoose in the as he attached a symbol to his chest as Max flew in the shuttle.


    Seviper slithered in with Fenn.


    Ally smiled.


  2. "Now Robo-Chao you remain here and be on full alert. Haven must be guarded just in case. I am slightly nervous about sending Ally and Max into this confrontation as well as going up against Dr. Eggman." Said Zangoose.


    "Affirmative. Entering Kill-Mode." Said Robo-Chao.


    "Thank you Stacy." Said Ally hugging Stacy back.

  3. "Here. I got one. Picked up outside after those bots took them. I modified it for him...guess it didn't help him much." Said Zangoose handing Ziona Lance's katana.


    "I'm ready. I think...it is kinda scary." Said Ally

  4. Seviper concentrated and grew sharp glowing purple spikes down his back. "Ready."


    "Robo-Chao load up the armory. And prep up the Wargoose, I'm gonna need it's fire power. As well as the celebratory cupcakes!" Said Zangoose 

  5. Antoine, Mercia

    Antoine continued to run for his dear life. 

    "Stop or we'll fire scum!" Said one of the soilders.

    "But we don't have crossbows on of us." Replied the other soilder which resulted in him getting smacked by his comrade.

    "MON DIEU!" Shouted Antoine as he tripped and fell to the ground.

    "I thought the D'Coolettes were brave and actually put up a fight?!" Said one of the soilders laughing.


    Bean, Bark, Battle Bird Armada Airship

    Two Battle Birds attempted to stop Bean and Bark's advances to the hangar but the Bean somehow manifested a bomb like object.

    "How the hell...eh let's shoot em!" Said one of the birds.

    Bean then grinned and lobbed the bomb at them, which exploded on impact. Fortunately for the birds they were just rendered unconscious. 

    "That was DYNAMITE!" Said Bean as he and Bark reached the hangar.

    Bark put Bean on the ground as the two stepped into the hangar.

    "Leaving this place is probably for the best. They wouldn't accept my suggestion I put in the suggestion box! I want breakfast to be served for dinner!" Said Bean which caused Bark to sigh and wondering what he got himself into.

