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Seviper the Fang Snake

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Posts posted by Seviper the Fang Snake

  1. "It's very wrong to take someone away without permission!" Said Ally 


    "Not just unique. You do that one thing." Said Seviper. 


    "I'm gonna be in so much trouble..." Said Zangoose


    "Why?" Asked the fox.

  2. "Quit..." Said Ally who began to tire as well.


    "Of course not. They're many sandwhiches but only one of you." Replied Seviper 


    "So are you friend or foe?" Asked Zangoose 


    "Don't be ridiculous." Said the fox.

  3. Star Wars Battlefront 2

    Well not great as the original, still enjoyable. I found myself using third person over first person cause It helps me see my surroundings and it takes me back man. As for favorite character to use I found myself liking Bossk.


    Ratchet and Clank PS4

    I need no excuse to play a R&C game. I liked the movie. As of right now my favorite weapon is the Pixelator. I still need to a few more of the RYNO Holocards.

  4. Simon from Gurren Lagann


    "My name is Simon. Leader of Team Dai-Gurren: Simon the Digger. If you decide that you're going to be a wall that's standing in my way, than I have something that will open a hole in you everytime! And that something...is my drill!"







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  5. "Just leave us alone." Said Ally 


    "I'm in love with a BLT." Replied Seviper 


    "Okay buddy. Time to go back through that portal." Said Zangoose but unfortunately the machine shut off.


    "So this is what you're lab looked like..." Said the fox.

  6. "I-I-I can't s-see it." Said Ally


    "Some people might have a problem...but I don't!" Said Seviper.


    "My Dimensional Transporter....I forgot I built it. Well maybe nothing will come out." Said Zangoose until he saw a foot come out.


