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Status Replies posted by Thire

  1. Maybe I was kinda wrong about this Thunderbolt = Harley Quinn stuff. (WARNING: NSFW-ish) http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1072459-sonic-the-hedgehog

  2. Trying to start my own comics series. A bit nervous, but I think I can do it.

  3. Maybe I was kinda wrong about this Thunderbolt = Harley Quinn stuff. (WARNING: NSFW-ish) http://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1072459-sonic-the-hedgehog

  4. I am really excited! I got a message from Johnny Gioleli's band Hardline today, and I have a shot to do a legal cover of one of their songs and sell it on a CD! I just have to do a couple things, and I may get the green light! I'm super nervous, but super excited!

  5. my mouth is in pain. I got 4 of my wisdom teeth out.

  6. Off to family camping this weekend! Absolutely NO devices are allowed as they get in the way of bonding. I'll see y'all on Monday!

  7. Huh, an interesting little detail has apparently popped up in the next Sonic Universe issue. (SPOILERS)

  8. Archie Sonic canon trivia (Nu252): "Mobian" and "Mobini" are still canon terms, and Dulcy's mom is still Sabina and the reboot undid her death. My current headcanon: Cassia has neuro-immune deficiency syndrome like Maria did.

  9. So... I'm going on holiday for a couple of days. I should be around but I'd not you know why ;)

  10. Hello everyone! :D How are you guys?

    I did one love quiz about sonic characters :)  There is also few other quizzes what I made :D

    You will find a link to them in my profile :)







  11. Hello everyone! :D How are you guys?

    I did one love quiz about sonic characters :)  There is also few other quizzes what I made :D

    You will find a link to them in my profile :)







  12. First day of school. *sigh*

  13. Trying to find a job is very difficult in a small town, especially if your only mode of transportation is a bicycle.


  15. Hate to be the bear of bad news but Archie is getting sued again.

  16. I live in an area with around 7 PokéStops and 4 gyms... I get a lot of Go players in my area.

  17. Thanks to my amazon gift cards I have 3 plushies on there way. Gonna continue to save the money though, don't want to burn a whole in my gift cards.

  18. Thanks to my amazon gift cards I have 3 plushies on there way. Gonna continue to save the money though, don't want to burn a whole in my gift cards.

  19. *sigh* I just got a nintendo 2ds two weeks ago and I had it in my pocket today using it to count my steps. I just pulled it out and turned it on and I am greeted with Five big cracks spanning both screens. 50 dollars for new parts. great.

  20. I. AM. ALIVE. EVERYONE. *throws leis everywhere* Also, HI!

  21. Anyone else notice a little something different in the comics section?

  22. Pokemon Go is going to be the death of me

  23. Pokemon Go is going to be the death of me

  24. I'm going on holiday for a week today guys. I won't be on today and depending on my wifi situation I might not be here until next Friday. So if that happens be good while I'm gone ;)

  25. Tornado warnings all around... I'll let you know when I make it out of this alive. I'm too young to die…
