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Everything posted by Thire

  1. General Art Thread

    Oh nice Skye!  You guys are kinda inspiring me to give drawing a try but I know it probably won’t end well.
  2. General Art Thread

    Dang dude! I love it! 
  3. General Mobile games thread

    Well, Voting Gauntlet time!  My boy Roy is currently loosing to Ephraim but that won’t stop me!
  4. General Art Thread

    Oh it’s beautiful! Excellent work Silvori!
  5. Restarting RP's

    Pokémon sounds like fun even though I’m as educated in that as a preschooler going to high school. 
  6. General Mobile games thread

    All this and more! Tune in next time to see my Zelgius Black Luna the crud out of everything including Surtr!  Jokes aside, as lucrative this story has been orb-wise, I’m ready for change. Like maybe involving Legendary Roy! 
  7. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy birthday to the sleepy cat Dylan! 
  8. General Mobile games thread

    I’ve heard that’s a fun game, I was gonna try it but never really got around to getting it...
  9. I found out that the release date for the film has been moved from November 15th, 2019 to Nov 8th, 2019. Also from the same source I can confirm that filming starts in September.
  10. Super Smash Bros!

    Wait really? Well I suppose that the big N is indeed running it and not handing it out to a third party to run their IP. Either way, I’m surprised and excited to see more!
  11. General Art Thread

    That looks really good you two!  Silvori if you’re taking requests, I’d like to request Elias Acorn. I always did like him as a character. Very relatable.
  12. General Art Thread

    Thanks Silvori, the only problem is that I never really draw. My sister on the other hand is amazing at drawing.
  13. General Art Thread

    Wow, that looks really good! Both of you, Chaos and Silvori, have all the art talent I don’t have.
  14. Super Smash Bros!

    I look forward to smashing with all of you!
  15. So apparently Sonic the Hedgehog has found his voice for his upcoming movie adaption in Ben Schwartz, who also voices Dewey Duck on Disney Channel's new DuckTales series.
  16. Super Smash Bros!

    Looks like some familiar faces have joined the roster, as Simon Belmont from Castlevaina and King K. Rool from Donkey Kong Country have come! Chrom (YAY) and Dark Samus (ALSO YAY) are also here as Echo Fighters! THIS GAME WILL BE AMAZING!! Where's Shadow and X tho...
  17. Just had all four of my Wisdom Teeth Extracted... might I highly suggest to always remember to take the pain pills.

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Take it easy, try to rest, and be very careful what you eat.

    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Oh man. My lower right one is starting to come out. You must look like a mess now right? *shiver*

  18. Sonic the Hedgehog (IDW comic)

    From what I’ve heard, IDW wanted Flynn to do like an intro to the whole thing before going to the real deal.
  19. Mobius Reborn: Rise of Robotnik

    Elias Acorn, Breakneck Ridge, outside Casino Night Zone  ———————— Elias had discovered that the crash site outside of town isn’t exactly the friendliest of places, and is guarded by robots like the ones currently chasing him. Remembering that there’s a canyon nearby that is easy to get lost in, he starts heading in that direction hoping to loose them.  “Man, now I wish I asked Doug for that wrist mounted crossbow.”  Coming up to the canyon he takes a quick sharp turn to the left and enters the maze. As he gets to a certain point in the canyon he finds a small alcove hidden by some overgrowth of vines. Hiding in there, he watches as the bots go right past him.  Waiting about 30 minutes to be safe, and to catch his breath, he decides to try heading back prepared this time. “Well that certainly wasn’t what I had in mind when I woke up today.” Chuckling to himself. He then starts his way out of the canyon.  ———————— Josh and Larry, just outside town, Mercia After a harrowing experience with robots, Josh and Larry are just about home. Concerned for everyone in town, Larry asked Josh “What do you think those robots would do if they got to town? Do you think they’d put everyone in robots like that Flicky?” “I... honestly don’t know what would happen Larry.” Replied Josh.  “Look, there’s the gates to town.” Exclaimed Larry. They run up to the gates and ask the gatekeeper for entrance. Once inside town, they start heading right for their home. Along the way, Larry suddenly stopped. “Larry? What’s wrong?” “What if we lead the robots right to town? What if they started attacking here?” Larry started feeling guilty. “Larry... you’re acting as if they already came and attacked. Calm down and let’s get home.” “But Josh, what about all the other places that had meteors fall near them? Like where Mom and Dad went?” Larry started tearing up, thinking about his parents. Remembering back before the one robot attacked them, he said something similar to Larry to calm him down. Josh then put his hands on Larry’s shoulders and said; “Relax, I’m sure they’ll be fine. You know how Dad would always protect us from anything. I’ll be here to protect you.” Larry then started calming down.  “Now let’s get home. I think after that we should talk to Uncle Chuck.”  ———————— Shard, Unknown Location Audio Receptors: Repaired Finally able to hear again, the sounds of nature come loud as it hadn’t adjusted for the incoming audio. Adapting to the audio levels, it hears an engine taking off to the skies. Words appearing on it’s HUD again: Unknown takeoff identified  Attempting to identify source  Using it’s sensors, it ascertains that the source came from the top of whatever crater it’s in. It also identified the engines as “Robotnik technology”. Now Shard knew that where ever it is, Robotnik is present with his robots as well.  Extremities motion: 15% capabilities Attempt relocation It tries to get up, only to get it’s head up to look around.  Surveying area No possible exit Seeing how steep the cliff faces are, it calculated that it would be unable to climb out. Setting it’s head back down, it re-enters Low Power Mode... ———————— Elias Acorn, a canyon not too far from Breakneck Ridge, CNZ After evading the robots, Elias starts climbing the canyon walls in order to avoid more of them. Once he climbs to the top, he is greeted by an old friend.  “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Elias.”  “Valentino, what are you doing here?” Elias said as he noticed Val’s men have weapons pointed at him.  “Oh, just out for a little stroll, when I heard an explosion by Breakneck Ridge. I’m sure you know something about it.” Val questioned.  “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Elias replied.  “Uh huh. I know what it was. I told you to a clean job, you messed it up! There’s spiky dudes, everywhere!” Valentino exclaimed. As he finished his sentence, the robots attacked again.  “Damn, they’re back. Boys get ready! As for you Elias, we’re not through yet so if you even think about running off with whatever is at the crash site...” Val passes his notion of threatening him then turns to the threat. ”That looks like almost all the robots from the site. That might mean the site is low on security...” plotted Elias. He then takes a chance and starts running off. “ELIAS!!” Shouted Val who noticed he left. He tries to go after him but some Motobugs cut him off. Elias on the other hand swiftly evades the robots, and continues to the site...  ———————— Charles and Ian, Mercia ”Ian? Heh, what are you doing here? And wait a second... broken hearts? Why you crazy Skunk, you know I don’t date!” Chuck replied jokingly to Ian.  Just as he was about to tell him of the situation, the door flies open.  “Uncle Chuck! Mr. St. John!” Shouted Larry. “Boys? I thought you two were on vacation?” Said a surprised Chuck.  “Yeah, about that...” Josh started explaining the situation. ————————
  20. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy birthday you sandwich loving snake!
  21. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy birthday half-lynx-fox bro! 
  22. We need Dr. Robotnik to voice Mike Pollock in the movie. Simple as that.
  23. General Fire Emblem thread

    It looks great, maybe I’ll actually be able to get an FE game considering it will be released for the Switch, granted my younger brother got FE Fates: Birthright. I actually have yet to play an actual FE game.
  24. Super Smash Bros!

    From what I can tell, Link I getting some changes to his Moveset such as remote bombs from Breath of the Wild, while Young Link retains Link’s Melee/Brawl Moveset. Toon Link however may get some changes.
  25. After a month of teases, we finally have a trailer and title for the new Sonic Racing game; Team Sonic Racing!   Team Sonic Racing combines the best elements of arcade and fast-paced competitive style racing as you face-off with friends in intense multiplayer racing. Race together and work together as a team by sharing power-ups and speed boosts. Take control of your racing style – Choose from 3 distinct character types and unlock game-changing vehicle customization options to suit your racing style. Speed up. Gear Up Team Racing at Sonic Speed! Online Multiplayer & Local Co-Op Modes 12 players per race, 4 player split screen, and various offline / online race modes including Grand Prix Mode, Exhibition Mode, Time-Trial and Team Adventure Mode.Team Racing Race as a team, win as a team. Use various team moves to assist your teammates, knock out opponents and unleash your Team Ultimate.Performance & Skin Customization Alter the appearance and handling of your vehicle.Wisps – 14 spectacular offensive and defensive items to help overcome rival teams and get ahead!Adventure Mode Unique story experience where players are introduced to basic game features and characters.Various Characters and Classes 15 playable characters from across the Sonic Universe and 3 distinct character types including Speed, Technique, and Power classes.It’s confirmed that it will be exclusively Sonic characters, no information on whether we’ll have guest characters or SEGA characters in the game.  
