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Everything posted by Thire

  1. Lego Creations

    Now I’m jealous! I’ve always wanted to play around with the Lego robotics stuff.
  2. Well, one totally unexpected vacation underway! I guess this is a Christmas present?

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Cool! Enjoy

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Awesome. Have fun.

    3. Thire


      Thanks guys, Florida is definitely warmer then the North right now!

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  3. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted but then you forgot where the Wii sensor bar went.  I wish for peppermint stick.
  4. FCC and Net Neutrality

    Like it was stated before, a 3-2 vote and the 3 were probably people bribed by the FCC...
  5. FCC and Net Neutrality

    Corruption, the guy who came up with the idea of removal was a big company person and hated video games. He also released a video shortly after he won and started saying some harsh things to people/companies that supported Net Neutrality.
  6. FCC and Net Neutrality

    Same Seviper... I guess our only option will be wait for it to take affect then people will see how bad this is, then hopefully the Government will realize that the FCC has too much power and violated some of our freedoms...
  7. Lego Creations

    It’s been a while, but my latest project is finished!   
  8. A bit of a rant... So my sister is taking an online course and for some reason it never remembers her progress. One week since she started and she’s done the first part at least several times, yet she cannot progress unless she has done the preceding lesson (106 minutes is the estimated time for the lesson). Now my predicament: because it does not remember, my mom decided that NO ONE touches the computer and even to leave it on overnight until she has completed all of it.

    Main issue for me is my mom also decided that my sister do it on my computer even though my mom has her own which she never uses. 

    Long story short: I’ve effectively been kicked off my own computer and cannot use it for at least a day or two. Rant done, I’m tired, and this sucks. :( 

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Damn!  That's sounds like a major pain.  Sorry to hear.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Wow. That sounds pretty unfair

    3. Thire


      I’m sorry. I usually try to keep my cool and refrain from sounding like a 10 yr old, but I needed to vent.

  9. Corrupt a Wish

    (Best way to do it!) Granted but it explodes when you put it down.  I wish for two AA batteries.
  10. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted but it explodes   I wish for a new charging cable for my Switch.
  11. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted but it’s a living two-tailed Fox plushie.  I wish for my Wii U to work again  
  12. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted but there’s so much cheese, you can’t bite into it.  I wish for some more Legos.
  13. Off-Topic Thread

    (There’s a third Iron Man...)
  14. Redesigns of Official Characters.

    Oh lol you make a good point! I misread it and thought otherwise. My bad!
  15. Redesigns of Official Characters.

    I thought Nack was a weasel.
  16. Games that you recently got

    I finally got Sonic Forces! Great game so far!
  17. Last to post wins v3.0

    He (hehe) just kept swimming...
  18. Last to post wins v3.0

    Painting with the blo- I mean paint of her foes.
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    Thire here with an awesomely drawn Shinomi made avatar!
  20. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Thanks Dylan!  
  21. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Thank you very much everyone!
  22. Strange Dreams

    Uh okay, so earlier today I awoke from a weird dream I barely remembered... but over the course of the day I had moments of recall.  Example: my friend, my younger brother, and I were playing a lightsaber style ninja (like the turn based game where each participant tries to use sword hand to cut their foes), and at one point I’m at a cross lock with my friend. At that point I get flooded with memories from my dream that morning, all were possibilities of the outcome. You could say... predicted his moves and it was like a scripted scene from Star Wars. I ended up winning not just stylishly, but in between that I did a death defying evasion that I would never have thought of had I not recalled my dream.  I still do not remember what the heck this dream was about, but I doubt I’ll ever experience that again.
  23. The rhyme game

    And war consumes the untrained.  Show me your moves!
  24. Games that you recently got

    Got my hands on Super Mario Odyssey! I've yet to play it myself but my siblings love it!
  25. The rhyme game

    We'll retake the throne!  For queen and country!
