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Noodles The Echidna

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About Noodles The Echidna

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  • Birthday January 25

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  • Website URL http://avin8282@gmail.com

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Angel Island, Mobius
  • Interests Sonic The Hedgehog, Pokemon, Anime, Doctor Who, Role-playing, 3D Printing, and electronics.

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  1. I just bought sonic colors and sonic unleashed. I haven't played unleashed yet, but, I LOVE COLORS!!! It's just a big joyride, and it's beautiful!

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Totally agree! Colours was the second game I got after Unleashed and the first one I actually completed. The music, the scenery, the controls... the Colours were all great and it was lots of fun to play for me. Which I guess would show given I was able to complete it.I have a bad track record for completing games ;P

      Onlything against it for me was the dialogue which could be pretty cringy. The game itself though was gewd

    2. Shinomi-chan


      I can't buy Colors.. because I don't have the console for it!!!

    3. Noodles The Echidna

      Noodles The Echidna

      yeah, I don't own a wii either, but i convinced my grandma to buy it so I can play it when I'm over there.
