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Noodles The Echidna

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About Noodles The Echidna

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  • Birthday January 25

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  • Website URL http://avin8282@gmail.com

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Angel Island, Mobius
  • Interests Sonic The Hedgehog, Pokemon, Anime, Doctor Who, Role-playing, 3D Printing, and electronics.

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  1. yeah, I am deathly afraid of needles, and I have to get my blood drawn tomorrow. I am dreading every minute.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shinomi-chan


      It's going to be just fine Noodles. Just.. look the other way and think of something happy or don't think at all. I've had had to do that twice or maybe three times. I'm not really afraid of needles but I didn't want to watch either. DO NOT watch it. especially if you're afraid of them I am not but yet I still felt funny when I looked at it. But it doesn't hurt at all so no worries.

    3. Guest


      Don't worry Noodles. Everything is going to be just fine. You can do it.

    4. Noodles The Echidna

      Noodles The Echidna

      I know it is going to be okay, but I am still a little scared.

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