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Skye Prower

Role-Play Mania 3 - All Welcome

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"What was that Danny?" asked Skye, ears twitching.

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(I would say wrong name but I did it too! :P)


"Nothing!" Danny said

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(Lol!  So I see.  Fixed mine.  Sorry bout that!)

"Uh... okay Danny," said Skye

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"Eh don't worry about it Skye. I'm sure I look pretty crazy too when I'm talking to Chaos Emeralds." Vivian said. 

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"Nah, people would just assume you'd been talking with Knuckles too much!" joked Skye.

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"Well I do see him every day..." Vivian said.

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"Not this worlds one though!" said Skye.

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"Is he still stubborn, gets mad easily, Over protective when it's about the Master Emerald, But still kind and caring from the inside?" Vivian asked.

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Skye laughed.  "Yep, sounds like the same Knux!"

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"Oh.. then he's like the one I know and love- as a friend. Yeah t-that's what I meant" Vivian said pulling her hood back on.

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Vivian looked at Seviper "....What's with the chuckle...?" She asked now a bit embarrassed.

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"Noooo I don't think I do..." Vivian said pulling down her hood to cover her face.

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"I-It's not that I'm really denying but..." Vivian said as she the just quietly started walking.

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"Yeah I know.. It's not what you said but more of what I thought." Vivian explained while walking.

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"You wanna talk about it? I'm not the best at it but I'll try!" Said Seviper.

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"It's really nothing Seviper.. Just my own problems.. Thanks anyway" Vivian said smiling.

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"We're clear of the city now, should we start flying now?" asked Skye

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"At least it would help... My legs are already feeling heavy" Vivian said.

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Skye blinked a little.  "I thought you'd be happy being who you are," he said to Seviper.

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