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Skye Prower

Role-Play Mania 3 - All Welcome

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"That's cause they're with friends, not cause they were at school," said Skye.

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"Oh... I guess that could be it..." Vivian said embarrassed as her face turned red. "I... don't know much about these things so that's why..." Vivian said as she then put her hood on to cover her face. "... forget I ever said any okay Skye?"

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"I'm... confused," said Skye looking at Vivian.  "If you didn't know about school, why are you so embarrised for making a wrong assumption about it?  Its perfectly reasonable.  I've made plenty mistakes myself."


He turned to Seviper.  "I guess.... good for you?"

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"I just don't like being ignorant..." Vivian said with small voice.

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"No one does," said Skye.  "But you can't be embarrised at being wrong to.  It's all part of learning.  And if you don't learn, you will be ignorant."

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".... it's just part of my issues that's all.. just don't look at me right now please" Vivian said as her face was now almost "glowing" bright red and her aura appeared around her but this time in the color of red instead of green.

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"Er... o-okay..." said Skye turning to face the other way.  "You really need to try and work past these issues if you want to interact more."

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"Well I try.. but it's difficult without Knuckles or Sally around..." Vivian said. "Or Edward..."

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"Is Edward your brothers name?" asked Skye.  "And I suppose we'll just need to stand in for them until you get home."

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"Oh yeah! We'll be one happy family! Family of weirdos..." Said Seviper.

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"You should see my family!" smiled Skye

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"We got a robot, a thief, an archaeologist, a pacifist, and a maniac!" Said Seviper.

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"Yeah Edward is my brother.. Though not a real brother but he still sort of is.. and well.. I sort of already count you guys as family members and friends.." Vivian said hesitantly.

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"My family's still madder," said Skye, before turning a little surprised to Vivian.  "You do?" he asked.

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"I don't really have a family..." Said Seviper

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"Eh.. Yeah...? Is that weird..?" She asked then looking at Seviper "You don't...? I'm so sorry..." She said.

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"I... I dunno," said Skye.  "And I'm sorry Seviper."

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"It's fine and I mean look how great I've done on my own." Said Seviper.

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"Well I just think everyone deserves a family.. But you've done great Seviper." Vivian said while fighting against the urge to hug him.

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I suppose it could be possible. But something happening in each of our Zones that just happens to send us to the same spot in space and time?  There's more to this than just a random power surge.


“That may be,” Runic stated. “But it should most certainly be considered as a possibility. The universe works in strange ways.”


Eh... Um.. Me and Sally and Knuckles are childhood friends.. and we met Espio and Vector and others later on.. so I kind of automatically became part of the Chaotix.. Makes also sense since I live on Angel Island.. For now at least..


“So you live on Angel Island in your Zone too? Hmm, I’m sure that’s been an interesting life.”


Maybe our zones and times our somehow connected or something.


“Maybe. Or, maybe our zones combined into one? I’ve heard of that happening.”


We might have to cause a little bit of.....damage.


... Should I be worried about him?


Runic eyed the giant purple snake. “Personally, I would. But that’s just me.”


You do know I can sort of like.. hear your thoughts?


The blue-furred wolf did a double-take. “Did you say you could hear thoughts? You haven’t been hearing mine, have you?”


N-no offense... But I-I r-really don't like t-the idea of s-someone l-listening in.


“Yeah, I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t blame him for feeling like that.”


It actually happens even if I don't mean to listen others thoughts.. I'm kind of like some sort of radio or transmitter...


“Isn’t there a way to, uh, turn it off? Some people might have secrets they don’t want others to know,” Runic stated, rubbing an area behind one of his ears.


I mean I guess it's because I'm not really a Mobian either..


The canine shot her a bewildered look, his mouth screwed to one side. “You… look like one to me. Is there something you’re not telling us?”


My heads metal. A bucket won't add much.  But a blocker might... or... maybe....  I could just switch on the music playing in my head and that might block it?


Music playing in your head?


“What music?” Runic wondered, tilting his head to one side.


Yeah, I've got a music playing program in my head Danny


“So wait,” Runic began, raising a finger. “You have a metal head and you can play music inside it. Does that mean…” here the wolf hesistated before continuing. “That you’re a robot?”


I should have kept my mouth shut, shouldn’t I?


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"Er.... y-yeah... I am," Skye replied to Runic, on hand squeezing a tail as he spoke.  "That's not a problem is it?"

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Vivian looked at Runic "well I mostly only hear the things one thinks right now. If I wanted to know your secrets I would actually have to focus really hard on getting the information which would cause me to pass out later on.. But I don't want to do that. It's not polite nor is it nice. And well.. It's not that I'm not telling everything it's just that.. um.. I have.. a connection with the Chaos Emeralds making me "not Mobian" ... Kids gave me a nickname "Daughter of Chaos" but that just...too confusing to me.." Vivian said now looking at the ground again in shame.

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