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Yep, no one will find out....


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Tsk tsk Dad. You're settings a bad idea example to your son, staying up this late!


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Proving my point. I learned it from him!


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I'm doing a school assignment, Skye. A have a reason


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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No becaz I no do wat I wanna do

Nope. Still have work


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Yep. Work, never ending work.


Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Chocolate tester, interesting business. Anyway I got to sleep. Adieu.


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See you later, Tails

That would be an awesome job, Eliza


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Night Dad. Sorry I missed you. Stupid work.... Why can't the cows look after themselves???


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Because... cows need attention?


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Maybe you ought to give them a TV. That could entertain them a bit


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Tried that. They got bored and wandered off.


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