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Banned because aww... that's nice

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Banned because anyways...*puts phone away* Time for a gag fight!

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Banned because this! *throws rubber chicken at Dylan*

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Banned because hey! *Throws photoshopped couch at Seviper*

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Banned because: *tosses a cow*

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Banned because hey! *gives Dylan a box* Go on! Open it!

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Banned because: Hey Seviper!!

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Banned because present! *opens box*

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Banned because *box launches pie at Dylan's face*

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Banned because: Pssst! Sevy! Hey Sevy!

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Banned because: Pie! *throws a pie at Seviper*

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Banned because: Pie! *runs up to seviper and starts eating pie off of him*

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Banned because: But it's banana pie o_o

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Banned because I was referring to that dancing coconut.

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Banned because: It DID always tell lies about me too...

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Banned because: *Tries to tackle the coconut American style*

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Banned because: tries to tackle coconut canadian style (Eh?)

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Banned because *punches the coconut Ryu Style* Shroyuken!

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Banned because *starts crying at pie*

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Banned because: Um.. wasn't it Shoryuken?

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Banned because I spelled it wrong sue me. Don't cry Dylan it's chocolate!

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