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Banned because: *grabs red balloon and flies off to the sky* Well.. I think I did the same as Winnie The Pooh..

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Banned because *foot gets tied up by a balloon and starts flying upside down* Ahh! Help!

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Banned because: Less singing though.  And no honey!  Or bees!

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Banned because: But I haz no hunny :C

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Banned because: That's why you're using the balloon!  To get Honey!

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Banned because: But I see no trees!- *hits a tree face first* .... Well.. Now I don't SEE anything but I FEEL pain!

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Banned because: Ow!  Are you okay Shinomi?

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Banned because: It depends.. am I supposed to see flying honey pots?

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Banned because: Unless this is a dream, no!

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Banned because: oh. *faints on a tree branch*

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Banned because: Uh oh!  *tries to climb tree*

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Banned because Shimoni crashed into a tree!

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Banned because: *little honey pots flying around head* 

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Banned because I'll get her down! *summons a giant axe*

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Banned because: Nooo!  I'm in the tree too!

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Banned because the only way to get you down is to cut it down

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Banned because: We could float down with our balloons!

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Banned because go on and try then!

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Banned because: What's that Piglet? Of course I'll follow you into the light.

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Banned because I have a better solution! *summons dynamite around tree* This'll get em down! Dynamite solves everything!

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Banned because oh of course! Do it!

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Banned because *ignites the dynamite with flamethrower*

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