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Banned because its my choice! But I do agree

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Banned because: *hugs Dylan* Thank you Thank you Thank you!

Edited by Shinomi-chan

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Banned because *starts handing out cute badges to random people*

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Banned because: Badges!! :D Can I have one?

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Banned because I want one too!

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Banned because badges for all!

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Banned because Here ye go! Don't hurt yourself!

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Banned because Yay!  *pins badge onto necktie*

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Banned because Let me tell you what are future ruler can do for you! *does a musical number*

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Banned because: *stares at Seviper's musical number* yay go Sevy! *wearing a T-Shirt which says: "The best show ever!" *

Edited by Shinomi-chan

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Banned because Yep! But it  would've been better if the victreebels would do a better B Minor!

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Banned because where is the powerful people?

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Banned because I'm ruler so I'm powerful!

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Banned because: Yeah! *wears a cap that says: "Dylan for President" *

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I'm gonna get dirt on you're competition! *throws dirt on the competition*

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Banned for not banning :D

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Banned because yay! Theyre too dirty to be president now

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Banned because now no one stands a chance against you! 

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Banned because: Yay!  Party.  I want a twig cake!

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Banned because I want one too! With popcorn decorating it!

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Banned because Let me see what I can do boss! *summons cakes*

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Banned because *giant chocolate cake falls on top of self*

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