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Banned because: ;_; I dunno but I don't trust Sevy...

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Banned because I wouldn't kill you! o_o

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Banned because: *opens barrier's "door" a little bit*  ;__; you sure?

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Banned because: ;__; *shoots Seviper with a water gun* 

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Banned because *cough* The water! It burns! *rolls around in the dirt*

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Banned because: .... I didn't use holy water did I? o_o I had it in case of a vampire attack but..

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Banned because: Mean Shinomi used water!  Fenn!  Fenn!

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Banned because: He was going to kill meh! ;__;

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Banned because: aw.. I'm sorry. *picks Seviper up and wipes the water off with a towel*

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Banned because *sees bar of white chocolate and uses Flare Blitz to reach it* Chocy! NO! The chocy is melted!

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Banned because: Fennekin!  Water nasty!

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Banned because Fenn Fennekin Fenn Fennekin Fenn Fenn! (I want to play games!)

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Banned because: Fenn-e-kin?  (What game?)

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FENN! (Tag!)

*tags Skye*

FENN! Fenn! (Skye's it!) *bolts off*

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Fenn fennekin!  (get back here) *chases after*

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Banned because Fenn! Fennekin! (You're too slow!)

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Banned because: Wow... Tag.. The most classic game ever..

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