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Banned because: *teary eyes* but.. but..

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Banned because: Such a happily family

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Banned because: *looks at Skye with teary eyes* he wouldn't actually do it right? ;__;

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Banned because If you take your bath then I won't.

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Banned because: He might Shimoni.  He sounds serious. 

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Banned because: ;____; Well then I hate him! *climbs down from the tree*

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Banned because: Yeah and baths too!  (the rebellious age.. how nice isn't it?)

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Banned because: I might as well side with Uncle Zangoose then!!

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Banned because Du-what!? *face turns red with anger*

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Banned because: He doesn't believe in bathing!

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Banned because *grabs Shinomi* No respectful daughter of mine is going to take after a Zangoose!

Edited by Seviper

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Banned because: and I don't want to take a bath! I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't wanna! *accidentally teleports to the bath tub* Well... dayum.

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Banned because *heads for the tub* Well what ya know! *chuckles* Don't forget to scrub behind your ears!

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Banned because: *grumpy noises and splashes* ooh rubber ducky! 

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Banned because: Yikes... what will she be like as a teen?

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Banned because in my experience there's no such thing as "good luck."

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Banned because: When I grow up I wanna be a Gengar!

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Banned because I think you'll become an Alakazam when you reach adlutiness!

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Banned because: But I wanna be Gengar...

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