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Ban the above poster

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Banned because Da: At the moment, you're asking for it by trying to insult me. The snake mostly

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Banned because: Skye: You could say that  Noodles.


Noi: I'm not asking for it!

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Banned because Da: Then stop trying to insult me

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Banned because *teleports all around Daisy*

Irritating!? Huh!? Huh!? Huh!?

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Banned because Da: *Starts casting spell*

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Banned because Are you trying to make everyone as boring as you!? *laughs*

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Banned because: Noi: Seviper, maybe we shouldn't provoke her!

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Banned because She needs to loosen up! *sticks tounge out*

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Banned because Da: *attempting to make Seviper a Zangoose*

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Banned because *starts getting a Zangoose color scheme*

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Banned because: Noi: Oh that's not good..

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Banned because Da: *finishes spell and slams book*

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Banned because *transforms into a full Zangoose and lulls out a mirror and drops it*

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Banned because: Noi: Well.. you did ask for this Seviper

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Banned because Da: Maybe now you'll behave

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Banned because Da: No? Glad to hear *goes back into books*

Dy: *whimpers*

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Banned because S-she...t-t-turned me i-i-into this-this abomination!

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