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Banned because Da: Now... stand back this time!

(I want tomake her what she is where I normally use her... though I could make a slight change...)

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Banned because: Noi: *flies away at high speed*

(Noi: Oh!  Of course!  *giggles*)


(Noi, it is extremely disturbing when you talk in the out of character area!)

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Banned because *starts casting spell*


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Banned because: Skye: *flies off too*

(Noi: *sticks tongue out*)

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Banned because *finishes spell,doesn't look different*


(Hey! That's rude!)

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Banned because: Noi: *looks back* Guess it didn't work!

(Noi: So?)

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Banned because Da: *Scowls seeing no changes and throws book at ground*

(So...don't be rude :P)

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Banned because: Noi: HEY!  MY BOOK!


(Noi: I'm just being precocious!)

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Banned because Da: *Sits on ground arms crossed*

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Banned because: Noi: *flies over* I'm sorry Daisy

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Banned because Da: You'd want to see me back to normal?

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Banned because: Noi: Uh.. I... know what it's like to not be happy....

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Banned because: Noi: I'm t-trying to be nice

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Banned because Da: Fine.Thank you

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Banned because: Noi: Er... There is a spell in there that I think can make you a ninetales for a short time.

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Banned because Da: I don't want to be one for a short time I want to be a Ninetails again!

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Banned because: But it might work till we find a way to make you one properly.

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Banned because Da: Let me see that other spell again. It was supposed to work

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Banned because: Noi: Let's see. *looks through book* Here it is!

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Banned because: Noi: *looks too* See anything?

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Banned because Da: *Sighs* I need to wait until night to see changes

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