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Banned because: *puts hand on Zangoose and fires several thousand volts through it*

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Banned because Zangoose: Ahhhh!!! *Zangoose explodes in a puff of smoke*

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Banned because: That was one pretty puff! :3

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Banned because: *blinks* I was just trying to stun him!

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Banned because: A copy?  Ooh

Noi: *flies over* I saw a Zangoose doing bad things so I chase him with this gun.... dunno where I got it!

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Banned because: Oh, okay *pulls game apart*

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Banned because: Are you okay Seviper?

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Banned because a little PO'd but other than that I'm good.

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Banned because: do ya need... the Super Awesome Power Milkshake Of Friendship Hopes And Dreams? SAPMOHAD in short. :3

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Banned because: Wow!  Long name.  What does it do?

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Banned because: No idea! I have never drank one of these before! Since I didn't had to but Seviper looks like he needs one. So... here ya go buddy! *gives Milkshake*

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Banned because: Maybe it's just really really tasty!

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Banned because back to milkshakes. Ooh

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Banned because: Whow!  Rainbow shooting milkshakes!

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Banned because: oh so THAT'S why Dave had a rainbow day! *claps hands together*

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Banned because: A rainbow day?  He'll be shooting rainbows for a day?

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Banned because watch this! *points to the ground and shoots making self fly*

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Banned because: ....well.. Dave wasn't "shooting" rainbows as much as.. well..

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Banned because: *watches Seviper fly* This won't end well....  And so... Seviper will run out of juice faster?

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