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Banned because: um... o_o I can bend a spoon without touching it? *bends spoon using telekinesis*

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Banned because: ooh, impressive.

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Banned because oh yeah! Top this!

*gets on pogo stick wearing a cape and blowing a trumpet*

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Banned because: o_o ... *hovers in mid air upside down juggling* 

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Banned because I know when I've been licked...

*goes in the corner to sulk*

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Banned because: Aww, don't sulk Seviper

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Banned because: *gives Seviper a teddybear*

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Banned because: *goes to emo corner with teddy* ;_____;

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Banned because D: But Teddy is nice!

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Banned because my pride has been shattered...

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Banned because: my gift wasn't good enough ;_____;

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Banned because it was a nice gift

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Banned because: yay ^_^ *Smiles and gives teddybear*

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Banned because: *looks at Seviper with respect* 

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Banned because *holds up tail in a high five position*

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Banned because: o_o *high fives*

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Banned because




The damage broke the game XD

Edited by NMS

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Banned because I think the damage also broke the pic too. I can't see it

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Banned because O.O 




Outside? What is that? Is it sweet?

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Banned because: I think it's a new type of soda.

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