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Banned because: Ahh... here it is.... lemmie see... Abra... ahh, no wonder she's asleep already!

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Banned because Dy: What do you mean?

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Banned because Abras sleep.... A lot. There like mini snorlaxes!

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Banned because: Seviper's right!

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Banned because yes, they do.  They got powerful psychic powers, but need to sleep to keep them charged!

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Banned because: *created mini force-field around Herself and Seviper while sleeping*

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Banned because: Hope you don't intend to go anywhere Seviper!

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Banned because yeah. I was going to go to the orange islands!

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Banned because you can't go anymore

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Banned because I hope air can pass through that bubble

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Banned because you better hope so

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Banned because this is gonna take awhile. Hope Slyveon doesn't get jealous!

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Banned because: Maybe the two of you could adopt her?

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Banned because Dy: Yeah! You could!

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Banned because I am great with kids!


Banned because I am great with kids!


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Banned because: Aww, isn;t that nice Shinomi, you have a mommy and daddy now!


(Somehow... that makes sense!)

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Banned because but I'm not going to be a pushover!

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(Banned because that makes way more sense than it should do!)


I think she's still asleep

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Banned because: *wakes up yawning* .... *looks at Dave* 


Dave: Oh oh! Can I be uncle? Can I??

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