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Banned because: yeah.. so no need to cry.. H..Hey Daisy.. how long does it take *cough* for me to die anyway..?

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Banned because Da: I made it quick for you

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Banned because: Heh... Thanks for that... Really weird when you can't feel your arms or legs.

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Banned because: Depending on what you are reborn a-as you m-might not h-have arms or l-legs.... or m-maybe more...

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Banned because: What if I'll reborn as Seviper?? o_o

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Banned because: Then our Seviper can teach you in it's ways?

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Banned because: I guess so.. *coughing intensifies*  well.. guess I don't have much time..

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Banned because: As long as you come back as something you are happy with.  And we'll all find each other again *hugs*

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Banned because: yeah.. I hope so too.. Also could someone take care of Dave's therapy sessions?... He needs them after this.

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Banned because: Er... I'll do my best..

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Banned because: *Dave appears* .... Is she going to... go to see Nyan-Cat now?  

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Banned because: *hugs Dave* Yes... yes she is.  But she'll come back.  But she might look.... very different

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Banned because: ... okay tell Nya-Cat I said "hi"


Sure Dave.. I will do that.. *coughed a bit more, closed eyes and stopped moving*

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Banned because: S-shinomi...?  *burst into tears clinging to Dave*

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Banned because: Dave: .... Why is she sleeping? She was supposed to go to see Nyan-Cat.

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Banned because: Her.... h-her body s-stays here... but h-her mind is g-going to see Nyan-cat.... and s-she'll b-be g-given a n-new b-body...

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Banned because: Dave: but what if she comes back as evil cat alien like Kyubey from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica and eats her other body and tries to take over the world by making contracts with girls who want to become magical girls and the entire planet goes BOOM?

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Banned because: She won;t be evil...  and she definitely won't come back as a Duckish bunny-cat!

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Banned because: Dave: so you know Kyubey... *bright light suddenly surrounded Shinomi*

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Banned because *plays with yoyo*

Banned because *plays with yoyo*

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Banned because: Know of.... Thank you SF Debris!  *looks at light* Hmm.... i-is that n-normal?

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Banned because: Dave: *pokes* ... yep it's light alright. *light becomes brighter*

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Banned because: Really?  You can tell?

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