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Banned because: Or we could just change the subject?

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Banned because: I don;t think they'll like that!

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Banned because if I wasn't hiding in a tree...I'd be hugging the Fennekins

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Banned because: Well I have my Archibal. *hugs* x3

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Banned because: *gets a step ladder to help fennekins climb tree*

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Banned because: The time of Fennekins has come. Again. <_<

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Banned because: It is ALWAYS the time of the Fennekins!  



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Banned because you're not even a Fennekin yet!

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Banned because: Yeah Dylan you can't escape the cuteness! CUUUUTEEEENEEEESS!

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Banned because: Nope, and I don;t intend to be.


I just will find it cute when everyone else is!

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Banned because <_<


I don't want to be!

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Banned because *Fennekin bites Seviper* Oh no! I got Fennekinitis!

Banned because *Fennekin bites Seviper* Oh no! I got Fennekinitis!

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Banned because: Neither do I but I already am! Oh wait *looks at my reflection from a mirror* Oh no this time I'm just Pikachu. False alarm everybody!

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Banned because everyone's becoming Pokemon

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Banned because: Well why not? Better that than becoming a Digimon since you'd need a partner or The Holy Light from the Digivice to evolve.

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Banned because the world needs more Pokemon! *a few Fennekins start playing a fanfare as Seviper did a speech*

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Banned because but so many Pokemon?

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Banned because: Well if you insist I could become the Batman of Sonic Scanf? If THAT'S any better?

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Banned because if you don't want any we'll go back to our dimension! *portal opens* let's go Fennekins.

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Banned because: I dunno.  I'm not a pokemon...

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Banned because you could be with the Pokemon reincarnation wheel!

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Banned because: Er... Robot.  Wheel won't work on me!

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