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Banned because: I want hugs :C

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Banned because: ;_______; thank you Dylan! *hugs back*

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Banned because you're very welcome

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Banned because: I seriously love you all! (As family member or friend and this is completely normal for me so please don't be confused and thank you if anyone actually read this till the end)

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Banned because I'm not confused at all

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Banned for one word bans and making my own thread boring for me.


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Banned because I can ban you now!

(Not really :P)

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Banned because: I want a pony :C

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Banned because there's one over there

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Banned because: there is?! O_O Thank You Dylan!! :3

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Banned because Happy Christmas! :D

Edited by Margred

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Banned because a merry Christmas to you too

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Banned because Margreeeed!! *throws sugar* x3 EATSOMESUGAR!!!

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Banned because: Nope just tired this time Dylan. But close :3

(Okay a bit sugar rush too x3)

Edited by Shinomi-chan

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Banned because: in that case I'm banning now.

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