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Delicious echidna

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Tails: Yeah, and then some of us went to the East to take the Dominion down from the root, but it wasn't a pleasant visit. *reflects on the memory*

Edited by The Chosen One (Alegatius)

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Skye: *looks up* It wasn't? But you always made that story sound so exciting!

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Tails: Yeah, it was. Just some unpleasant people we met, that's all.

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Skye: Is there... something wrong bro?

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Tails: Oh, things from the past. Come, let's to the the airfield.

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Skye: If... you say so bro. I'm sorry for whatever happened.

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*starts heading for the workshop's door*

Tails: Hey, it's all part of being a FF. *looks at T-pup* You're coming with us boy.

T-pup: Yip! Yip!

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Skye: I.. I know but... You made it sound more... glamerios.

*knees down and pets T-pup*

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Tails: Come, I need to lock this place before we can take off.

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Skye: Oh, sorry Tails. *jogs outside*

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Tails: No problem bro. T-pup, let's go.

*T- pup flies to the exit*

*Tails closes and locks the door*

Tails: Now, to King Frederick Airfield!

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Skye: *excited again* Where is it? I need a map!

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Tails: It's north from the power plant, in that direction *points and starts walking*

*T-pup follows*

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Skye: *follows Tails happily, humming to himself* This is a really nice city. I like it here. *giggles* Maybe it's just because the crowds are less.

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Tails: Hehe, no mobs, no paparazzi, everyone to their own business, yeah, it pretty calm here.

T-pup: Yip! Yip!

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Skye: *grins at T-pup* Looks like you agree. *back at Tails* Yes it is. I... think I kinda prefer it.

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*finds Hood and is about to grab him when boulder above is dislodged and crushes him*

I... guess that works. Though that looked like a DEL laser. They really can't the broad side of a barn.

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Tails: Well enjoy it. *reaches the power plant* Well that's the power plant that regulates the flow from energy produced from the radiation in Robotropolis.

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(ooc: Lol! An amusing way to go!)

Skye: It's powered by radiation???

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Tails: Yup! Thanks to Nicole's power with the nanites she generates energy while cleaning the radiation from the city.

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Skye: So how long will that generate power for?

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Tails: I... I haven't thought of that, 20 years, less I think. It's dependent on energy consumption. *continues walking north*

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*Team Dark returns to the helicopter*

Ok, next target is this killer whale. Take us there, if the troops there have the same marksmanship as these, you could probably land right on top of them.

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Skye: Maybe that's why... Uh, nevermind...

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Tails: What's what? Maybe I should ask about the future. Look the airbase is up ahead.

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