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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Younger Skye: *grinning ear to ear* I knew you'd... *words get cut off by the kiss*

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Younger Fluffy: thank you, skye, really...I....really hope we get married in future.

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Younger Skye: *blushes and turns red* T-that... t-that does s-seem to h-happen

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Younger Skye: *smiles* Yes... Will you marry me Fluffy? ...or are we a little young yet?

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Younger Fluffy: *smiles, then frowns almost simultaneously* yes we are, *whispers* that was a bad joke...

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Younger Skye: *sighs* S-sorry Fluffy. Not s-something I-I should j-joke a-about...

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Younger Fluffy: yes, shouldn't. Let's not take all this for...granted...ummm...ahem... Anyways, *grabs some chocolate* want some

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Younger Skye: *nods* I know. This could s-still all change. B-but I'm sure it won't. *licks lips* Thanks, I'd love some.

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Younger Fluffy: I hope *smiles* say 'aaaaaa'


Older Fluffy: you seem to be lost in thoughts...

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Older Fuffy: oh...


Younger Fluffy: *is about to enter the chocolate in Skye's mouth but eats it up instead and giggles*

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Older Skye; *glances at Fluffy and Shadow* Is something up?


Younger Skye: Awwwwwwwww! *pulls sad puppy eyes look, hugging both tails to his chest*

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Older Fluffy: no, not really *whispers to skye* shadow seems tensed


Younger Fluffy: sowwy! *pulls out sad bunny eyes, nibbling ears*

(Ooc: cuteness competition)

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(ooc: Aaaaannnnnnddd the universe implodes due to a critical mass of cuteness)

Older Skye: *whispers* Well, this must be a bit strange for him.


Younger Skye. *cocks head* Can I pweese have some?

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Older Fluffy: *whispers* all of us, actually


(Ooc: lol)

Younger Fluffy: *grins and pushes Skye a bit* only if you can catch me *runs*

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Older Skye: Yeah. You're right. I feel more nervous just by watching how my younger self acts.


Younger Skye: *grins* I'm gonna catch you! *runs after Fluffy*

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Older Fluffy: heh, right. He's way too adorable, though. And I was so lively.


Younger Fluffy: *runs and giggles* no!

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Older Skye: Is that a hint of jealousy I hear?


Younger Skye: *starts spinning tails, flying, but somewhat wobbly* Oh yes I will!

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Older Fluffy: huh? Well, I do miss my liveliness...


Younger Fluffy: hahaha *flaps ears* no! no! no!

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Older Skye: Maybe you'll get it back once Ruby is older enough to run around.


Younger Skye: Yeah! Yeah! Gonna catch you and you're gonna give me chocolate!

(ooc: Have them collide with each other and land in a big vat of chocolate sauce?)

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Older Fluffy: then I'll be worried she doesn't get herself a boyfriend...


(Ooc: hell yah!)

Younger Fluffy: *stops* wow! a chocolate lake...

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