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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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Older Fluffy: *smiles* no worries, sweet. Hm, so, what now?


Younger Fluffy: *gasps and grabs skye* no no no! I was like... We'll know when I reach there.

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Older Skye: We still have guests to entertain!


Younger Skye: *manages to smile* W-we... we're n-not f-far a-away now...

(ooc: And there goes his confidence boost!)

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Older Fluffy: the food seems entertaining enough.


Younger Fluffy: *guilty* I just wanted to say... I love you more than anything... *kisses Skye on head*

(Ooc: she really shouldn't be around him during his 'dark times')

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Older Skye: For now, but we can't just leave them to it.


Younger Skye: *brightens up, both metaphorically, and literally, turning bright yellow* I-I love you too Fluffy. I'd even give up this future for you.

(ooc: Actually she should be... Just very careful in what she says!)

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Older Fluffy: yeah... But what right now?


Younger Fluffy: *sighs with relied and keeps her head on Skye's chest* I'd give anything for you Skye... You're just so...amazing.

(Ooc: yeah, telling about her relationships with Towels at that time wouldn't be nice ;))

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Older Skye: Umm, brownies?


Younger Skye: A-a-a-a-a-a-a-ama-amazing?

(ooc; Definitely not!!!!)

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Older Fluffy: *giggles* go hungry guy, have some!


Younger Fluffy: *ears wrap around Skye* yes, most certainly- I wish there was another word... There aren't enough words to compliment you...

(Ooc: towels vs fox boyfriend...hmmm....)

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Older Skye: *grins to* Thanks dear. *takes a brownie*


Younger Skye: *hugs tightly back* You mean... you really mean... *starts to cry* Y-you're s-so wonderful Fluffy.

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Seviper: Ooh a cookie.

*SJ takes the cookie away*

SJ: You're in training, no sweets for you

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Older Fluffy: *smiles at skye* you can never grow up. *laughs at SJ,s comment*


Younger Fluffy: *smiles* I really, really do s- Skye! Don't cry, hon, please don't cry. *kisses* I never want to see you cry.

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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Older Fluffy: *smiles* yay! Someone for the veg group, but I'll get you a youghurt dish, it's healthy and delicious!

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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Older Skye: Of course nod.


Younger Skye: I'm... I'm n-not u-upset Fluffy... T-the opposite!

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Older Fluffy: okay, I'll get some youghurt, which no non veg would get, by the way.


Younger Fluffy: I'm glad, skye, I really am... *closes eyes and rests in his shoulder*

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Younger Skye: Do you still want to see your surprise?

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Seviper: Youre like your mother SJ, she was always telling me to look after my body

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Older Skye: He just has you're best interests at heart Seviper


Younger Skye: *wipes away tears. Stands up and holds out hand again.* Let's go!

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Seviper: I know, that's why I always kept on his small wooden statue he made for me

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Older Skye. That's sweet


Younger Skye: It's just through her. Now, cover up your eyes, and no peeking till I say so.

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Older Fluffy: *comes with strawberry youghurt* here you go, Seviper.


Younger Fluffy: *grins and covers eyes* okay!

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Older Skye: *looks at yogurt* Can I have one to go with my brownie dear?


Younger Skye: *opens door and guides Fluffy inside.* Okay, open your eyes.

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